

Jul 28, 2003
In a windowless void
Fuckin'...argh. A simple matter of trying to pump up a slightly flat bike tyre has led to finding that the minipump I have is the wrong size for my tube valves, and hence can't pump it up. Taking the bike to the shop to get them pumped and replace the tubes results in one blown tube (right next to my left ear), which had been weakened by a tiny glass shard, which I'd missed and worked its way through the tyre. Hence the tyre also needed replacing. When replacing the tyre, they notice that the wheel doesn't go back in straight and my fork is bent (for no discernible reason mind you), not yet a problem, but it will be. New fork also required. This a few days after having my rear light go missing and the front headlight get knocked off onto the highway and break. All of which is nearly $300 I don't actually have spare. I'd only just finished paying it off, this sucks. :cry:
I feel your pain, Once, I killed 14 arabs, and the bolt on my .303 seazed and I had to get it fixed. Things always break at the most inconvient time, i could have killed a dozen more, easily.
I can cheer you up. At least your pump works ok with the right tyre, this genitalia one I bought is USELESS.
Damn Karyn that really sucks bollocks!
I bent the back frame of a bike when the rear axle on it broke. That was a little annoying. Just bent it back into place. Havent been game enough to ride it properly yet though.
I have $50k+ worth of downhill mnt/bikes in my shed, and they're in my fucking way. My address is...
Goreripper said:
Just as well you don't have a car Karyn. Last time I took my shitbox to get the brakes done, they told me I needed the entire front end replaced, including shocks and tyres.

Heh yeah, I'll admit that thought crossed my mind once or twice as they were cataloguing the damage - at least this isn't a car :p Apart from anything else, I know bikes and once they'd pointed the stuff out, I could see that they weren't pulling a bullshit on me. If it was a car they could tell me I needed any bloody thing done and I wouldn't know what they were talking about.

Icarus said:
Damn Karyn that really sucks bollocks!
I bent the back frame of a bike when the rear axle on it broke. That was a little annoying. Just bent it back into place. Havent been game enough to ride it properly yet though.

Oh well, at least it got me all the way to Glen's house on Sunday :D But yeah, I know what you mean - when I came off my last bike it fucked the gears, I had to put it back was ridable but I never really felt confident on it again. It was a pretty dodgyarse bike though.

After riding it home last night, I'll admit it's now running a lot smoother. We worked out why the fork was bent too - apparently the only reason a carbon fork would bend is if the bike was in an awkward sideways position with something compressing it, while the front wheel was off the bike. Guess I won't be putting it in the boot of the car again. Highly irritating, but we live and learn.
Icarus said:
Seems strange. Would you really shove your bike that hard into the boot of a car to cause the fork to bend?
Probably not, but slamming the boot closed onto the fork could maybe cause it to bend.
From a personal viewpoint, I drive my bike to bush and downhill tracks. They're usually a good hour drive or more away, so why would I want to ride that?
Also, downhill bikes are a bitch to ride anywhere but down a fucking a hill!
Icarus said:
Seems strange. Would you really shove your bike that hard into the boot of a car to cause the fork to bend?

Well, it was only slightly bent - but it's enough to put the wheel slightly off kilter. It could have been compressed as the boot is pretty small and it wouldn't have had the support of the wheel between the fork prongs.

Koich said:
Why do you put your bike in your car in the first place? Isn't the purpose of both self transport, you should get rid of one of them.

It wasn't my car, I had to get a lift home one night because I was sick.