ure advice

Mar 12, 2002
Underneath the bridge
Im 13 and need ure advice. Im intrested in smoking Marj Jane and know how to get it but Im not sure if i shud or not. I mean, if im caught by my parents or the police im totally fucked but i hear good things about it. Shud i start and will i get addicted?
Wow I did not know UltimateMetal.com supported getting advice on how to get drugs. Specially from a minor.

Oh yeah I think you answered your own question tho. Its not worth getting caught at all. Not if you care about fucking up your future.

nevremind ure parentes man.,.,., do whateva u want dun go wit the fucken flow!!!!1
if teh copz get u just give em sum green lol:cool: .,., im suer thos pigs r totaly soldout.

n e way i met lady jane wehn i was liek 13(14 now) and its totaly awesum dude!!!!11.,., it maeks me fell like,., fuk the world fuck everythin man.,. woah :headbang:
lol i dun give a fuk if my mom catchs me. its MY FUCKEN LIEF!!1:mad: adn i can ditch clas adn roll a joint whevneva i fucken want too!!!11 :mad::lol:

just stay away from the hard shit man. rock on & stay metal\m/ :Smokedev:\m/
heheh thanks npearce I suppose thats true. Though someday they will understand...if they last that long. If someone questions if they should take something that can fuck your body up dont you think they have answered thier own question? I saw my bro rot away due to MJ and acid and shit like that. But hey if others want to get eaten alive then Hail and die proud dumbasses.

We had a talk about marijuana at school recently... heh... some of the guys faces were classic when they found out it lowers their sperm count... wankers...
I think if anything I'd work on learning some spelling skills first. I know this is a joke but geez. Weed really shouldn't be your thing at this point. :}

"ure". LOL.

Another thing. Where does good ol Soilworker's teacher come up with it lowers your sperm count? a book from 1946? It's completely false.* I guess it was heard from school though so that pretty much tells you something right there. They tell the most lies.

Hmm... I hate to say this but maybe if this kid was older he should probably invest in a blunt. for medical use only of course since its been proven THC protects brain cells. From the looks of it, "nick" inch nails needs all the help he can get in saving them.

hmm. What a dilemma.

*Marijuana damages the reproductive system

This claim is based chiefly on the work of Dr. Gabriel Nahas,
who experimented with tissue (cells) isolated in petri dishes, and
the work of researchers who dosed animals with near-lethal amounts of cannabinoids (i.e., the intoxicating part of marijuana). Nahas' generalizations from his petri dishes to human beings have been rejected by the scientific community as being invalid. In the case of the animal experiments, the animals that survived their ordeal returned to normal within 30 days of the end of the experiment. Studies of actual human populations have failed to demonstrate that marijuana adversely affects the reproductive system.

Even by administering very high THC doses -up to 20 cigarettes per day for 30 days - one study did find a slight decrease in sperm concentrations but nothing indicating regular use as even having the minutest danger to sperm count.