URGENT: Cant decide if i should buy these drum mics for the one-day deal!


Bam Bam Boogie Bear!
Jun 11, 2010
Tallahassee, Fl

As you can see, Musicians Friend's "Stupid Deal of the Day" is the CAD 7 pc drum mic set. Now, i know these aren't the best set of mics out there, but i was wondering, If you had no drum mics and wanted something a set to learn with (as i am used to programmed SSD), would these be worth the money in your opinion to buy and experiment with? Even if the raw sound isnt the best for mixes, could they at least serve as decent mics to pick up the audio for uses of sampling?


Or would i be better off doing a rent-to-own deal on some higher end mics?

All that being said, if i go that route, i would have to upgrade from my two channel interface, could some others be suggested for me to look into that serve a good use for a cheap price?

I got this same set as a trade for tracking some band's demos a LOOOOONG time ago. Don't have them anymore, but they are at least solid mics, i think the clips etc are actual metal. better than nothing. $100 is CHEEAP.
Yeah tbh for 100 bucks you can't really go wrong - Slowly replace pieces of the kit starting with OH, snare, kick, etc... and eventually you'll have a solid setup and some spare mics to throw on random shit, use as trash mics, spot mics, room mics, etc...
Yeah tbh for 100 bucks you can't really go wrong - Slowly replace pieces of the kit starting with OH, snare, kick, etc... and eventually you'll have a solid setup and some spare mics to throw on random shit, use as trash mics, spot mics, room mics, etc...

Actually, I agree with this since this is how i started out (different set of mics however), and it did what I needed it to for the time being.
For $100 you really can't go wrong, typically CAD stuff is VERY good for it's price bracket. Add to your collection over time and you'll always have these for spares. I'm sure once you upgrade to decent OH mic's you'll still be able to use these condensers for spot mic'ing cymbals for example.
A band mate of mine purchased a pair of those CM 217 to use as drum overheads so that we could leave em out permanently and ready to record our rehearsals if needed. They are actually surprisingly decent for the money, i've been recording our rehearsals with them since then and we're even using it for pre-pro or demo's when we just want something quick. As Trevoire said, if you ever upgrade you could still use these for spot micing so you'll still find uses for then.

He bought them for 40$ i think, it was a buy 1 get 1 free special. I have no idea about the dynamics but for only 100$ i'm with the others and will say you really can't go wrong with this set if you need something cheap but decent.
Thanks guys for the tip. I have seen that they are only 130 new for the set. So i'm thinking of waiting it out, get a new interface first that can support an array of drum mics, then either pick some of these up or rent-to-own some higher end mics.