Urgent: Ear Fatigue sucks, help me out.

Fox Mulder

The Truth Is Out There
Jan 22, 2009
Dhaka, Bangladesh
I've been using M-Audio BX8A's for more than a year now. I recall being more or less happy with them at first. For the past few weeks I've really been pondering upon why I can't work for an adequate amount of time. I tend to get my ears fatigued very easily even at moderate volumes. I can't go any lower thanks to the the low-end. This is really getting me frustrated. Also, my mixes don't translate too well even though I've spent a whole year tuning the crap out of my room. In the beginning I just blamed it on my skills. Now, I don't think that's exactly the case. The lows are muddy, the highs are harsh. Good productions sound harsh and I end up under-estimating them (thus I haven't been referencing due to the fatigue). What do I end up doing? I sometimes tend to subconsciously scoop out the higher mids a bit too much and make my mixes sound like shit.

I'm about to get Yamaha HS80M's. I found this: http://www.gearslutz.com/board/atta...s80m-msp7-hs80m-matlab-frequency-response.jpg. However, I was wondering if I'd be able to get something better for, not same but similar price range. Adam A7? Event TR8? Mackie MR8?

Also, I would like to get another pair of smaller/cheap monitors alongside these for flexibility. Something like the M-Audio AV40's or something.

Please share your views. Thanks.

Edit: I know these things have been discussed several times before, but I guess some of you would understand what the tastes of a BX8A user would be. My sonic perception's fucked, especially when it comes to metal. I can get by pretty easily with non-metal stuff.
Thanks for the advice but that was unfortunately OT. I hate these monitors. I was asking for suggestions regarding getting a new one.
And yes, I do work at low volumes. These monitors don't suit me. It is normal for us humans to have different ear anatomies from each other.
The lows are muddy, the highs are harsh. Good productions sound harsh

I always have to fight harsh highs too, but just on my own stuff. Since the kind of production most of us would agree is good, indeed DOES sound good on the BX 8A's I blame it to my room (and skills).
HS80 `s are very popular, i moved to them from KRK RP`s and can`t be happier, they have some room correction functions in the back as well, wery useful for me, so i can recomend them over KRK`s. My mixes translate now better on other systems.
Heard good things about the early ADAM a7`s but they are a little bit more prycie here.
lower the volume and work max 60 minutes and then take a 10 minute break

Thanks for the advice but that was unfortunately OT. I hate these monitors. I was asking for suggestions regarding getting a new one.
And yes, I do work at low volumes. These monitors don't suit me. It is normal for us humans to have different ear anatomies from each other.

Actually that is extremely relevant to ear fatigue. At louder volumes, fatigue is going to set in and once it does, lows sound muddy, highs are harsh. You could get another pair of monitors and find that you won't have a night and day difference. I know from personal experience that my BX8a's are not harsh or muddy sounding on professional productions, just my own work, which is an indicator that its me who is the fuck up, not the BX8's. It doesn't matter what monitors you have, if fatigue kicks in, all speakers will give the the same results, something really nasty and harsh screaming at you to turn off the music, its just how the human brain works.
HS80s are great but are still very fatiguing at louder levels since the mids are so forward. like others said, mix quieter.
I went from the M-Audio BX5a's to Wharfedale Diamond Pro 8.2's. Couldn't be happier. The Bx5a's sucked in every way shape and form. The Whardales sound much better and my mixes translate better to other systems as well. Plus they come with a removable face plate for a clean look. They were $150 each through www.americanmusical.com
The BX8a's were my first "true" monitors. I always found them extremely harsh. Later I moved to Adam P11a. They had a much clearer midrange but lacked bass seriously. Now I own the focal twin6be. Again big step forward in midrange and lowend definition and the tweeter is very gentle to my ears. I am about to add a sub soon.