URGENT: I face reamping persecution with this question...

Dec 11, 2007
i know i will come out as a reamping n00b by asking this but i cannot get Revalver working in mixdown mode


i have all (3) the raw DIs routed through the same buss, into a auxillary with Peavey Revalver mkIII, then that buss routed to a new track so i can record the outcome of this.

The 3 different tracks are just the different parts played seperately, the guitarist insisted on this so he could "nail each part". i reluctantly agreed.

now im stuck mixing guitars after editing all the drum mistakes, so please help out and with as little belittling as possible please. thanks

oh and if i missed anything else that might help this work, it'd be muchly appreciated
signal is all good, i just got it working in some form by having a send from the Auxillary to the GuitarPrint on the far right.
it works so i guess ill keep doing it this way until someone corrects me, even though it does seem odd to me
Are you not hearing it on playback? what happens when you actually record. Sure its not just the input monitoring mode? (alt+K)

Your Guitar 4 track has a different output from guitar 1, 2, 3

Personally I use a separate instance of the plugin for every track. I would 'comp' the 4 takes you have into one good take on 1 track. Then put revalver on that track. send output to bus 12, new audio track
Have you got any tracks solo'd? I would probably solo safe the aux. Is the input gain on Revalver up? Have you tried byspassing Revalver or making it inactive?