Urgent: Latency in CUBASE SX


Orpheus: Melodic Death
Mar 9, 2008
Ok guys so I've got most things working now VST plugins and all that, but when I record it says I have 110ms of latency with a buffer size of 5512
I can go down to 512 buffer size but my recording goes out of sync at 44100 sample rate. My latency is down to 11ms though, personally i dont care becuase I'm happy to just move the track to where it should be, but I don't know how to move tracks by time in Cubase. In audition you just right click to clip properties and I can chose how many ms to move it by, but in Cubase I have no idea of how to do this.
Help would be much appreciated as I am recording with my band later today!!!
Thank you
You'll need to adjust your audio interface's buffer rate . Moving your recorded audio around in the sequencer isn't exactly a very productive thing to do.

You can change it from your interface's control panel or withing Cubase,

Devices, Device Setup, VST Audiobay, Asio Interface, Control Panel.

Try 128 rate for a start and go for the lowest one without any pops and crackles for tracking and audio playback.
There is slider at the track inspector (delay, with clock icon), located in place where pan and volume resides.
But I think that you should determine Record Placement Offset, Device menu->Device setup, Advanced button (in Nuendo, Cubase is similar).
This can be done by loopback test (there is topic about it) or you can specify this amount manualy (in samples) so no need for adjust.
I think you should consider switching ot kx-project (http://www.driverheaven.net/general-discussion/, http://download.kxproject.lugosoft.com/) or install asio for all (asio4all).
By default cubase can use MME ASIO driver which has to much latency...
With kx-project I`m able to work at 20ms or lower latency (on SB Live 5.1) in Nuendo.

... And... Don`t record at 44.1 on SB Live - use 48 and resample at mastering stage - quality will be superior.
SB can work only at 48 internaly - other sample rates is result of resampling.