Drumagog latency at mixdown


Oct 10, 2007
Drumagog is slowly but surely becoming a mainstay of my setup. It's great!

Being on the shit system (cubase SX - shitty old p4 with 1gb ram )that i am, you can hear audiable latency when running the recorded tracks through drumagog. This is worsened by my poor asio when i shove some master effects like compression on the master buss and the asio oupt latency rises to around 40ms. :|

What i am worried about is, it is showing up in mixdown :erk:. Is there some way to make the Drumagog latency zero during mixdown??

I dont have this problem when i run through say, guitarrig or amplitube, latency when monitoring ofc, but not during bouncing.

Please, any help is appreciated :D


Ps. yes i have read the manual :goggly:
you can always print an extra track that has drumagog on it, then line that with the transients from the original track
you can always print an extra track that has drumagog on it, then line that with the transients from the original track


I always make a copy of the original track and apply drumagog to it. Then i check the two tracks together to make sure there aren't any missed or extra hits.

I always make a copy of the original track and apply drumagog to it. Then i check the two tracks together to make sure there aren't any missed or extra hits.

If there is anything missing or any extra hits, what do you do then? Do you edit them in manually or do you go back to the original track and make changes there? I would like to do it that way, but I don't do it because it just takes so damn long to make new mixdown tracks after editing. Yeah ok, 5-6 minutes might not be much, but production time is always precious and I always end up with stress towards the end of the production...
If there is anything missing or any extra hits, what do you do then? Do you edit them in manually or do you go back to the original track and make changes there? I would like to do it that way, but I don't do it because it just takes so damn long to make new mixdown tracks after editing. Yeah ok, 5-6 minutes might not be much, but production time is always precious and I always end up with stress towards the end of the production...

I try to get the settings as close to as possible at first by using the visual display. If there are tons of misfires and missed hits, then I'll go back to trying to get the settings right. I also usually do sections of the track at a time just to keep it a little more simple and less room for error abroad. Anyway, then if it's pretty close, I'll just manually edit the few mistakes.
I try to get the settings as close to as possible at first by using the visual display. If there are tons of misfires and missed hits, then I'll go back to trying to get the settings right. I also usually do sections of the track at a time just to keep it a little more simple and less room for error abroad. Anyway, then if it's pretty close, I'll just manually edit the few mistakes.

I usually solo the miced kick together with the Drumagog channel and it usually works ok. Two problems with that though: I've noticed that it can totally screw up my hearing, especially since the Drumagog samples are just played over and over. The other is that I sometimes notice a missed hit or something, and I change the settings in Drumagog so that it triggers properly, but it basically means that something ELSE might be triggered wrong earlier in the song with the new settings...

I also use the visual display all the time and it's alright I guess, but I REALLY wish that you could change the speed of the scroll because on fast parts you can't really tell what the hell is going on! I browsed through the manual for it but it seems that it's not possible. Or am I missing something?

I like your idea about working in sections though! I'll definitely keep that in mind.
thanks a lot for all of your responses and help:rock:

I used to print extra tracks from say DFH2 and run ktfx into a single sampler or something to trigger, but for all means and purposes i was just lazy with drumagog, slapping it on the channel when i was writing still :blush:

But you can hear the results now at www.soundclick.com/kezspez

excuse the guitaring, it was getting late and i am shit. :lol:

Anyhow, theres a post of this over at the rate my mix tone thread :goggly:

Thanks a lot again!