URGENT: Reaper Export Question


Oct 26, 2009
Recently when programing drums with Superior Drummer, I would have a separate project just for the drums, since SD takes up a lot of space and won't let me run guitars with effects in the same project.

Then I learned how to "export stems" so that way I could export the dry drum sounds and open them in the same project as guitar without having SD running.. It helped immensely.

For some damn reason now, when I go to export these stem files, and I click "render" it shows it rendering, but it also says "No Output", when I specifically selected a output path. Does ANYBODY know why it's doing this?

Thanks a lot guys,

It's possible the output path isn't valid for Reaper. When it happened to me, the output was to Reaper Media instead of within the program file. I don't know why it can only render to that one folder, but it seems like that's how it is. Hope that helped.