Urgent Drumtracker Question


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
Hey guys,

I've just started using Drumtracker to convert my drums for sample replacing. I've noticed that when you export it wants a .midi tempo track file. Given that I've got a song with a lot of changes and I can't set a global tempo, how do I actually make a .midi tempo map?

Cubase exports to its own proprietary tempo map file that won't interface with Drumtracker. Is there any easy way to get it to do the same with a .midi tempo map?

I wish I could help Ermz but I gave up on Drumtracker a long time ago, I just found it so annoying to work with and it really broke my workflow especially as I had to do the work outside of my DAW.
Just create an empty midi object in your cubase project with the same length as the audio. Export Midi. Done.