US and UK vs. Piracy: Have you read this?

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Mar 1, 2009

After the U.S. Government took action against several sites connected to movie streaming recently, nerves are jangling over the possibility that this is just the beginning of a wider crackdown. Now it appears that a free blogging platform has been taken down by its hosting provider on orders from the U.S. authorities on grounds of “a history of abuse”. More than 73,000 blogs are out of action as a result.

Hot on the heels of recent threats from Vice President Joe Biden and Intellectual Property Enforcement Coordinator Victoria Espinel directed at sites offering unauthorized movies and music, last month U.S. authorities targeted several sites they claimed were connected to the streaming of infringing video material.

‘Operation In Our Sites‘ targeted several sites including, Movies-Links.TV,,,,,, and In almost unprecedented action, the domain names of 7 sites were seized and indications are that others – The Pirate Bay and MegaUpload – narrowly avoided the same fate.

And another link I posted:

Google targeted by BPI for linking to illegal downloads.
Recording industry association sends cease-and-desist order to search engine, asking it to remove links to infringing websites:
It's a bit ridiculous to say a search engine is responsible for the content it searches.......

Although I am quite anti-piracy in the music industry, the obcenely large film budgets along with the stupid amounts of money actors are payed makes me really not give a shit about watching a *hollywood or equivalent* movie online
It's a bit ridiculous to say a search engine is responsible for the content it searches.......

Although I am quite anti-piracy in the music industry, the obcenely large film budgets along with the stupid amounts of money actors are payed makes me really not give a shit about watching a *hollywood or equivalent* movie online

I understand and partly agree with you; the money is spend not equally, but that's a problem with all industries in our ultra capitalist system, not only in music or film. I'm not against making money, but just putting some limit on things. That's another problem, that pirate use to legitimate their action, but it just should serve a thinking about what to change to have a better/ more equitable economic system.

For the search engines, they're not first liability, but secondary, because they make lot of money showing where illegal files are. And we all know that they are the most hypocrite in the story doing this. You maybe share your files for free, but google and other make big money showing the links.
If you can't find a file, how can you download it? For me it's the only way to solve viral piracy problem; we'll can send to friends some files like we did with copying tapes in the past, but viral piracy wouldn't be possible anymore. And that's a good thing for us musician/producer/mixing and mastering engineer etc....

The other solution is big brother watching all you do on your computer...I prefer to see google and megaupload being fined for this!
but honestly; google is a major source for pirated stuff; google videos, youtube, blogspot, the search engine...

Google video and youtube are getting cleaner by the minute. If you noticed recently you can't find any album versions of songs anymore. They all got taken down since they found a way to detect them.
Why just Google? Why not Yahoo, Bing, etc? I agree that more has to be done to combat piracy but attempting to sue a search engine is reaching.
Either piracy is wrong or it isn't...I don't see how a budget affects the morality of the issue?

Well, in my opinion, we should put things on perspective.
I'd buy the album of a poor musician in a minute, that's for sure, but does Mel Gibson really needs the 15 bucks I'd pay to go see his movie at the theater? Considering I pretty much eat on a 20$ weekly budget, probably even him would tell me to keep my money.
i told you guys some shit was coming down the pipeline... i was told i was full of shit, in that recent thread... but now you can see i'm not and this is just the beginning. we'll see how it goes from here.. may take some time to fully play out.
sure, keep your money... just don't watch the movie. easy.

I just don't care about 10% of the world's know, that 10% wich holds 90% of the world's wealth.
If I want to watch Jurassic Park, I'll just go on pirate bay and load it, and trust me, neither Steven Spielberg, Michael Crichton or Sam Neill will ever miss a dinner because of that.
My .02

If ever the anti-piracy police succeds in preventing any form of streaming and illegal downloading,wich I doubt, but it's still possible, yeah then I'll just don't watch the movie, because I simply don't have money to spend on that corporate hollywood crap.
Since then...well, you know...

I feel like watching Spinal Tap, all of a sudden!
(I've got the DVD, don't call the FBI on me, lol)
Blogspot is most definitely full of pirates.

+1, its the "go to" search for albums and shit haha

i told you guys some shit was coming down the pipeline... i was told i was full of shit, in that recent thread... but now you can see i'm not and this is just the beginning. we'll see how it goes from here.. may take some time to fully play out.

The crack down has been coming for some time, I've been expecting it but I wasn't expecting it to happen right now :D
piracy is wrong if it causes significant damage to the industry in question. I am now convinced that *modern viral* piracy damages the music industry. Is it damaging the film industry? Are film budgets being cut because of lack of funds like recording budgets are?

These are not rhetorical questions, they need real analysis.
piracy is wrong if it causes significant damage to the industry in question. I am now convinced that *modern viral* piracy damages the music industry. Is it damaging the film industry? Are film budgets being cut because of lack of funds like recording budgets are?

These are not rhetorical questions, they need real analysis.

Words miss me to say how much I agree on every word of it.
I just don't care about 10% of the world's know, that 10% wich holds 90% of the world's wealth.
If I want to watch Jurassic Park, I'll just go on pirate bay and load it, and trust me, neither Steven Spielberg, Michael Crichton or Sam Neill will ever miss a dinner because of that.
My .02

If ever the anti-piracy police succeds in preventing any form of streaming and illegal downloading,wich I doubt, but it's still possible, yeah then I'll just don't watch the movie, because I simply don't have money to spend on that corporate hollywood crap.
Since then...well, you know...

I feel like watching Spinal Tap, all of a sudden!
(I've got the DVD, don't call the FBI on me, lol)

Please see:

sure, keep your money... just don't watch the movie. easy.

What didn't you understand about this?

There are more people involved than just the directors, screenwriters, and film producers. He/she might take the pie but you're stealing from the smaller people as well.
What didn't you understand about this?
What part of "I don't care" didn't you understand?
Sorry, but you're not the one to tell me what I should or shouldn't do/watch.
If you're telling me you buy the DVD of every movie you watched, then good for you, but I have better ways to spend my money, thanx.
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