US and UK vs. Piracy: Have you read this?

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Do you really think that the others in this thread aren't educated enough to have heard of moral relativism and that other rubbish? Again, don't state things - defend them!

I wasn't here to make a defense, I was only here to make a statement of my opinion and state what should be done about the situation.

And given the fact that philosophy is not a core high school class, and not offered in every high school class, you never know who doesn't know.
I think that there's a confusion between the service one offers and the actual art. Art should NOT be something that you have to pay for, as opposite to the work someone does for it.
From the time an artist finishes his/her work and publish it, it's been given to humanity, that's it, it just belongs to the universe.
Of course, like every other person, artists should get paid, earn a living and all that shit, but they should be paid for the service they offer.
Art is an embodiment of one's soul, it is a statement about something so strong that the artist simply cannot keep for himself.
If you're doing your "art" for the money, you're doing it wrong.

The service an artist offers, tho, IS something that needs to be paid for, but do not confuse it with the art itself, wich is just like love, when you try to buy it, you often find it is just fake and that the peple that gave it to you are just in it for the money.

Buisness is not art and will never be
I wasn't here to make a defense, I was only here to make a statement of my opinion and state what should be done about the situation.

And given the fact that philosophy is not a core high school class, and not offered in every high school class, you never know who doesn't know.

You still haven't defended your opinion of what should be done about the situation or how this situation is hard to understand or dependent on personal views.

You also have a long way to go if you can't see the little problems with avoiding objective statements while studying something based heavily on mathematics (sure, there's math that doesn't require the technical correspondents of things that you'd be obligated to deny... but you're not going to get much out of it for your purposes), and you still need a bit of work because you're falling into the 'almost but not quite' part of philosophy reading that makes the topic so damned hard to discuss with anyone else.

I think that there's a confusion between the service one offers and the actual art. Art should NOT be something that you have to pay for, as opposite to the work someone does for it.
From the time an artist finishes his/her work and publish it, it's been given to humanity, that's it, it just belongs to the universe.
Of course, like every other person, artists should get paid, earn a living and all that shit, but they should be paid for the service they offer.
Art is an embodiment of one's soul, it is a statement about something so strong that the artist simply cannot keep for himself.
If you're doing your "art" for the money, you're doing it wrong.

The service an artist offers, tho, IS something that needs to be paid for, but do not confuse it with the art itself, wich is just like love, when you try to buy it, you often find it is just fake and that the peple that gave it to you are just in it for the money.

Buisness is not art and will never be

Please look at the bazillions of other discussions of this subject and see just what kind of a beating you should receive after rubbish like this... save Murphy some time and learn from those who have fallen before you.

I think that there's a confusion between the service one offers and the actual art. Art should NOT be something that you have to pay for, as opposite to the work someone does for it.
From the time an artist finishes his/her work and publish it, it's been given to humanity, that's it, it just belongs to the universe.
Of course, like every other person, artists should get paid, earn a living and all that shit, but they should be paid for the service they offer.
Art is an embodiment of one's soul, it is a statement about something so strong that the artist simply cannot keep for himself.
If you're doing your "art" for the money, you're doing it wrong.

The service an artist offers, tho, IS something that needs to be paid for, but do not confuse it with the art itself, wich is just like love, when you try to buy it, you often find it is just fake and that the peple that gave it to you are just in it for the money.

Buisness is not art and will never be

very well said!
Ask me if I care about this

I frankly don't care if you care, I just want to make sure that you're warned because promoting piracy (as you seemed to do above) is a teensy bit of a no-no and ignoring past discussions and rehashing tired old rubbish has never worked out for anyone. The ignore buttons are there for a reason, so if you're going to play tough-guy-who's-too-cool-to-care I doubt I'll miss much with your absence.

Ask me if I care about this

he likes turning simple conversations about opinions into huge Standford level intellectual debates including defending opinions with quotations for supporting evidence. Personally I hate college level debates, especially when I am not in class nor when causal conversation is taking place.
I just want to make sure that you're warned because promoting piracy (as you seemed to do above)

No, I like being around people who can think and speak clearly and who don't waste time rearguing bad points that didn't work before.


Lucky guy, I can.I can even integrate inversed trigonometric functions (or whatever you call it in english) or calculate the magnetic field created by whatever-who-cares-anyway electric source. Does my opinion is more valuable, now? Shouldn't.
Let me tell you, you're REALLY not the one to tell me what art is or it's value, and for the record, I've NEVER promoted any piracy of any kind. So trying to make people feel like they're stupid by talking like you know 50% of the dictionnary is just, in my opinion, pretty arrogant and useless.

I really won't say what I'm thinking here because this is getting way off topic, but just cool down and everything will be okay. Trying to pick an internet fight is pretty puerile coming from someone who tries to teach me what morale is.
I think that there's a confusion between the service one offers and the actual art. Art should NOT be something that you have to pay for, as opposite to the work someone does for it.
From the time an artist finishes his/her work and publish it, it's been given to humanity, that's it, it just belongs to the universe.
Of course, like every other person, artists should get paid, earn a living and all that shit, but they should be paid for the service they offer.
Art is an embodiment of one's soul, it is a statement about something so strong that the artist simply cannot keep for himself.
If you're doing your "art" for the money, you're doing it wrong.

The service an artist offers, tho, IS something that needs to be paid for, but do not confuse it with the art itself, wich is just like love, when you try to buy it, you often find it is just fake and that the peple that gave it to you are just in it for the money.

Buisness is not art and will never be
LMAO. Since time and memorial art has been commissioned, bought, sold and traded so while you may wish it "belonged to the universe" or was "just like love" neither history nor legality nor modern reality back up that claim.
Beyond that, explain to me how one goes about getting paid for their "service" without getting paid for "their art." This is at best a rudimentary argument of semantics.
Really the strongest part of your argument is that it "sounds nice" but beyond that it's utterly vacuous.
Beyond that, explain to me how one goes about getting paid for their "service" without getting paid for "their art."

First examples that comes to my mind:
You record a band: it's a service/work = you get paid
You're doing FOH: t's a service/work = you get paid
You're drawing a band's logo: t's a service/work = you get paid
You play a gig: it's a service/work = you get paid

A song: Art, belongs to humanity
A drawing: art
A movie: art

You're not getting paid for your song, but for the work you've put into it, but the song itself, man that's just air vibrating in your ear drums. Same thing for movies and whatever applies (not that movies are made of air, but you get the point).
First examples that comes to my mind:
You record a band: it's a service/work = you get paid
You're doing FOH: t's a service/work = you get paid
You're drawing a band's logo: t's a service/work = you get paid
You play a gig: it's a service/work = you get paid
Well you just described how I make a living but that doesn't answer how you get paid for recorded music or how you get paid for a song that you write that is performed by someone else (or how you get paid for an un-commissioned paining or writing a book or.....).
A song: Art, belongs to humanity
A drawing: art
A movie: art

You're not getting paid for your song, but for the work you've put into it, but the song itself, man that's just air vibrating in your ear drums. Same thing for movies and whatever applies (not that movies are made of air, but you get the point).
Again, this is your opinion and is based in hippy ideals but has no basis in history, legality or reality.
My "hippy ideals" like you said, is what makes me do music for what I firmly believe is the right reasons.
No historical basis? Just let me laugh, I bet you've never paid a single penny for the Joconde, neither to Leonardo Da Vinci, still you've seen this painting, and I'm not calling you a pirate. You've seen/heard art for free a million times.
Great songs are timeless and priceless.

Don't get me wrong, I know that making music, CDs, movies, paintings, producing concerts, buying gear, travelling [and so on] cost money, and that it's not up to the artist to pay, but you seem to have a misconception of what the work is, and what the art is.
I'm not a lawyer and I know that there's some particuliar issues that can bring confusion (you named some), but hippie ideals or not, art does not belongs to anyone.
You haven't exactly helped his comment about historical basis, unless 'commissioned' means something completely different from what I was brought up believing...

Well, I don't get paid for my "un-commisionned" music (you're a lucky bastard if you do), so I don't see why un-commissioned paintings or books should be paid for, unless a publisher wants to publish it

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