if by "the good 'ol records" you mean records like The Dark Side Of The Moon, and Night At The Opera and the like... then yes, they are indeed behind us... and will stay that way with current attitudes. and we are all the poorer for it.
anyway, now in this last post you are changing your rhetoric a bit, and i find i'm not disagreeing with you as much.... is this because i'm understanding you better?? or because you've toned it down a bit?
i think the latter. i'm sure you'll disagree though. it seems to be a project for you.
for the record i've maintained a position for the last few years, that the industry DOES need to change in some way, but that this change will NOT include free music for everyone, and if you had any history here, rather than popping in and making assumptions, you'd have known that already. stick around a while.
By record, I meant actual records, vinyls, or whatever you american may call that big, usually black thing, about 1' in diameter wich was impossible (then) to rip and put into a computer (tho the idea of having a vinyl tray in my computer is kinda funny

And yeah, I've tone down a bit because I felt you did too, and I think you get my point better too.
I never said anything about free music for everyone, nor anything as such, otherwise I'd have to give guitar lessons the rest of my life, wich I don't find that attractive as a job as doing my own thing (tho lessons are still pretty much my bread and butter, so...)
but being paid for the work, and not the result of it, makes one a craftsman.. not an artist.
One simply wouldn't exist without the other, and the line is not always a clear one between the two.
These discussions, like the Apple Vs Windows and iPhone vs Android and N64 vs PS1
Damn, I wanna play Goldeneye so bad now!