US touring halted?

The last couple of posts reminded me of something. Two things I think that have hurt metal bands, in particular power metal bands is:

1. There are a lot of bands (local and not local) taht show up on power metal tours that have nothing to do with power metal. Sure, you can make the argument that people should still go to see the headliner if that's what they wanted to see anyways, but the truth of the matter is a lot of people, especially fence sitters, will avoid a show if they see a bunch of crappy bands on the bill.

2. I think us on this forum tend to forget that not everyone seeks out music like we do. We talk about it on this forum. We go on the metal news sites. We also just plainly seek out new bands (or bands we haven't heard of) in the genre. Not everyone is like this. Either people don't have enough time or they just like to listen to their status quo of bands.
The last couple of posts reminded me of something. Two things I think that have hurt metal bands, in particular power metal bands is:

1. There are a lot of bands (local and not local) taht show up on power metal tours that have nothing to do with power metal. Sure, you can make the argument that people should still go to see the headliner if that's what they wanted to see anyways, but the truth of the matter is a lot of people, especially fence sitters, will avoid a show if they see a bunch of crappy bands on the bill.

Yup. Especially considering bands I've seen before play the exact same songs on every tour, supporting acts make a big difference. I wouldn't go see Iced Earth or Symphony X alone again, but I sure as hell went to the tour they did together this year.
I think us on this forum tend to forget that not everyone seeks out music like we do.
I think you can take that statement much further... the vast majority of people are not like us. In general, people want to be spoon-fed their music. It's background noise, something to mindlessly sing along with, or something to dance to. It's easy to lose sight of this when we get immersed in our own little pocket of the world.
1. There are a lot of bands (local and not local) taht show up on power metal tours that have nothing to do with power metal. Sure, you can make the argument that people should still go to see the headliner if that's what they wanted to see anyways, but the truth of the matter is a lot of people, especially fence sitters, will avoid a show if they see a bunch of crappy bands on the bill.

Boy ain't that the truth.. I remember having to sit through some kiddie-core band when I saw Dragonforce for the first time. Apparently, they were a local opener. I've spoke out against crappy (or just misplaced) opening bands before, but a lot of the times, promoters choose to go with bands that have either more fans or will sell more tickets (themselves) or both.
If Power Metal did well and drew the masses, you probably wouldn't see so many metalcore bands showing up on those tours... Problem is, that's the style that brings some of the younger kids to shows.
From the Same label that brought you Iced Earth and Blind Guardian bring you their newest signing....


I recently made a several hour drive to see A Sound of Thunder in Nashville. I think I was one of about 10 people in the club not connected to one of the bands. Had I known exactly how much most of the other bands on the bill (there were 5 total I believe) sucked, I would have taken my time over a nice long dinner. The difference in caliber of the bands was shocking. ASoT was professional in terms of writing, virtuosity and showmanship. The others? Meh.

Wub you too!! I still can't believe you drove so far.. but thanks for showing up! That show was a lot more fun than we thought it would be, especially since we went on around 2AM... XD
From the Same label that brought you 50 year old men singing about Hobbits and Alex Jones bring you their newest signing....

Fixed ;)

I love Blind Guardian. They are my favorite metal band in the world, all genres. But they're just as ridiculous as the band in that video....just another kind of ridiculous.

This isn't a shot at you at all, but didn't you say once you used to play in metalcore bands yourself? And what do you think of them now? Point is, most people don't come out of the womb METAL AS FUCK. Everyone starts somewhere. Will most of them graduate to 'good' metal? Probably not. But then again you go to a Slayer show and half the people there have been 'listening to metal' since the 80's and still worship the same 5 bands.
I wonder what would happen if someone marketed a power metal band the way they throw money at bands like this...
They would sell a ton of tickets.

I recall when MTV brought the Headbangers Ball back in 2003. Sprinkled among the endless parade of shit Metalcore bands was Amon Amarth, Mastodon and Behemoth. None of these bands were big enough at the time that they warranted that kind of attention from MTV. However, someone at their label got the right person laid, and they got put into regular rotation. It was this constant exposure on MTV that made them three of the most viable Metal touring acts in the U.S.

In a similar vein, one of my friends listens almost exclusively to FM Rock. One day, while we were hanging out, I played for him the Iced Earth "Gettysburg Trilogy" DVD. He went wild for it. Bought a copy for himself and started turning all his stock broker buddies on to it.

It's all about exposing people to it.
They would sell a ton of tickets.

It's all about exposing people to it.

Really? Do you think so? I mean, this isn't 2003 anymore. There's a new generation out there with their own take on musicality. Metal in general is a very niche market. *Core bands are what's popular, because 18-24 year olds are angry about everything, and power metal doesn't really lend itself to blowing out some rage.
Really? Do you think so? I mean, this isn't 2003 anymore. There's a new generation out there with their own take on musicality. Metal in general is a very niche market. *Core bands are what's popular, because 18-24 year olds are angry about everything, and power metal doesn't really lend itself to blowing out some rage.

It does if what you're angry about includes Skyrim, hit points and elves in general.
So...if its not Power/'s crap?

Not that it's great...its certainly not my "cup of tea" either, but I'd rather hear that then, the generic radio "hits"....just this morning driving to work, the wife was like, "its the new Christina Perri, the new Kelly, maybe its Pink...." They don't suck (per se) but they are generically all the same, much as this nu-metal. I'm sure plenty of people hated Epica (or any beauty/beast combo) if they were into...let's say Led Zeppelin! :)
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