USA-Canada Tourdates 2008

Sonic Syndicate...which was by far the worst band I have ever ever ever seen. Not one in the venue liked them either, and I almost felt sorry for them...but not really :lol:

Guh, unfortunately for those of us in the pit at the Regina, SK show on May 15th, a lot of people around here like that crap, and thought it was great. I almost gave my front row spot up to gtfo of there, but suffered through it anyways... So worth it. <3
TOMORROW !!!!!! TOMRROW!!!! TOMORROW!!!!! even though i wont get there till sonata plays...or ends but its gona be awsome!
Just got back from the portland show and it was truly awesome, you are all in for a treat i do think. The crowded was much better then the last time around the place was packed as opposed to being half empty and everyone seemed really into it. I was pleased considering how disappointed I was last time. I thought about bringing my camera even contacted the venue about getting a photo pass as a local photographer I have a few connections, but then came to the conclusion i really just want to enjoy the music and I am very happy with the choice I made. I loved every second of it. Hope everyone else has a great experience as well.
Yes this was my third time around seeing Nightwish and still have no pictures and part of me regretted that from the first two and why I decided to see if i could call upon people in my network and get a photo press pass for the show, but I guess there were two reasons I did not follow up on the pass, one I enjoy what I do so much that I often stop paying attention to anything, but getting the perfect shot, and two I have a firm belief that photographs can alter your perception on events which is why I refuse to photography family functions and such, have even contemplated not having a photographer at my wedding if i ever have one.

I can honestly remember every one of the concerts in great detail and I quite honestly feel more connected to those memories than if I had been behind the lens of a camera. Every Nightwish concert has been awesome in their own way, but no matter what I love being able to just enjoy them and the energy that their fans have when they are on stage.

Hope you have a blast C and get some amazing shots!