USA's policemen know how to efficiently stop a suspect

markgugs said:
Everyone hates cops, until they need one.

I've never needed a cop so perhaps that's true. I've wanted to be helped from them, however, not by them (that make sense?) in situations.

Anyway, every cop I've met (in a professional or social capacity) has been a complete fucking douchebag and semi-retarded to boot.
i actually had zero problems with cops until i witnessed their complete incompetence and total lack of sympathy firsthand. several times at that.

case in point, had a big house party some years ago. we were loud and drunk and blah blah blah, but when they asked us to turn down the tunes, we did. unable to break anything up because we were all of legal age and did exactly what they told us to. so did they thank us and walk away? nope, everyone got parking tickets for being more than 18" away from the curb. note: the house was on a culdesac with virtually ZERO traffic, especially at 2am on a friday. also note that it wasn't like cars were parked willy nilly in the street, most were about 2 feet away from the curb because of weird curves in the street.

also, a friend of mine has some absolutely ROTTEN neighboUrs. they live behind him and several times have crashed into his fence, lit his backyard on fire with illegal fireworks, and are just an overall nuisance due to being loud as fuck until ungodly hours. bunch of redneck pricks basically, and on the several occasions we've called the cops, they've come by only to say "well there's nothing we can do about it" before driving away.

i've got plenty more, but i'm sorta bored now and don't really feel the need to convince anyone. besides, "fuck cops" just rolls of the tongue so very well. :loco: