Used HDSP 9652...?

I think it's time to upgrade, but I'm not sure if I'm heading in the right direction...

I'm seeing quite a few deals online for CHEAP and I think I'm pretty set on getting one and eventually leaving my Presonus gear... That and I want to leave the firewire club...

Aside from Totalmix, stability and expandability- am I going to notice any differences in the signal quality just using the HDSP as the master clock and running my firestudio through it via lightpipe? I'm sure it won't be night and day at first, but when I eventually upgrade to nice converters then it will be much more apparent... (Was thinking the ISA828 would be a good front to pair it up with in the somewhat distant future) But anyway- if I'm able to get one of these for less than half the cost of a new card and sold some gear I'm not using and got a ADI-2 or Muiltiface- think would be a big step up from a Firestudio/Digimax combo?:err:

I'd be running everything through HS80m's in my treated bedroom
From what I recall it would be an improvement.

Did some reamp test when I switched from a firepod to a multiface I between my octopre as master clock vs multiface as master clock. Not a nigh and day difference but I never put my octopre as master clock after that.

Now running blue legacy avid converter but those run on an other level...