Using a a different pre amp with my interface


I need a beer...
Apr 12, 2009
I wanted to rent out a nicer pre amp to "test drive" (since I'm looking to buy one maybe by the end of the year). Something like a Neve or an API.

My question is, how would I use it with my interface cause I'm guessing plug in it into the mic input would defeat the purpose. (is that correct?, I've never used anything other than my interface to record so excuse me for being a bit clueless)

I'm running Reaper with a Presonus Firestudio 26x26

Also any other preamp suggestions that you think I should try out? I record mostly modern metal.
well it depends on the pre really. some pres like the API A2D have there own converters so you can use a digital out from the pre to your interface. but most of them will just have a xlr in and xlr out.

you can use a xlr to trs into your interface line level inputs but i would only recommend that if your interface has a true bypass on the line level inputs. if not it will be fed through the pres of your interface and not get the highend pres sound.

and on the other hand your converters in your interface probably are not the best so if you can try them out with some high quality converters then you should probably do that.

hope that helped. :p i use seventh circle audio neve api jensen and millennia clones and i really like them