Using a Gt6 (digi modelling) with a 5150?


Im guybrush threepwood
Jun 16, 2004
Bristol, United Kingdom
Hey guys, just wondering how a tad of digital modelling fairs with a full tube amp?

I guess for effects there should be no problem i.e. chorus on a clean channel etc. Which reminds me... if i want to use the gt6 in combination with the high gain tube melt distortion on the 5150 and say i wanted to change directly to a clean chorus patch on gt6, im gonna have to hit clean channel on 5150 footswitch and then my pedal board which is gonna be a right pain- any way around this? Midi maybe? Or will i be coping with the on stage foot tango?

But the main question, instead of buying a real tube screamer, can a gt6 model work to get the extra juice out of a 5150?

I here thats basically what opeth do?

I'm pretty sure that as long as you have seperate effects and preamp, there's no way round it the effects/channel switching conundrum without some clever midi setup. The best you can hope for without is hitting two switches - one for the channel and one for effects.

I have the same problem - I normally have 6 seperate pedals in my chain and a 2-button footswitch for my amp, I have to prance about like Michael Flatley to put effects on and change channel. Plus I'm the singer, and the only guitarist so if I get my timing wrong everyone can hear it.

You can get some pretty good sounds using a digital overdrive in front of a tube amp - check out the first two songs HERE by an awesome band I know called Bait. The guitars are played through an original 70's Hiwatt, with a Zoom 505 in front of it as an overdrive.

I think what Opeth do is just use the sounds on the GT when they play live. I wasn't aware that they pushed the front-end of the amps with it like a TS. They just set the amps to clean and dial in all their tones on the actual unit. Not the way to pull the best sound, but it's certainly a lot more convenient in terms of changing patches etc.
Moonlapse said:
I think what Opeth do is just use the sounds on the GT when they play live. I wasn't aware that they pushed the front-end of the amps with it like a TS. They just set the amps to clean and dial in all their tones on the actual unit. Not the way to pull the best sound, but it's certainly a lot more convenient in terms of changing patches etc.

I still cant believe they do it!
kev said:
Hey guys, just wondering how a tad of digital modelling fairs with a full tube amp?

Which reminds me... if i want to use the gt6 in combination with the high gain tube melt distortion on the 5150 and say i wanted to change directly to a clean chorus patch on gt6, im gonna have to hit clean channel on 5150 footswitch and then my pedal board which is gonna be a right pain- any way around this? Midi maybe? Or will i be coping with the on stage foot tango?


this is what we do.
The 5150 stays on distortion. the fx loop must be on.
guitar ---> gt6 input
gt6 external send----> guitar input on 5150
5150 fx loop send---> gt6 external return
gt6 output ---> 5150 fx loop return
write your distortion patches so that they are using an external overdrive and that will send them thru the 5150 distortion before fx etc. Clean tone will go straight to the power amp and bypass the 5150's eq and such. If you like you can put a tubescreamer between the external send and the amp.
Now you can do all of your switching on the GT6 and use (IMO) the 5150's much better distortion.

There are other ways but this works well and doesn't require building/buying special cables or adaptors.
egan. said:
this is what we do.
The 5150 stays on distortion. the fx loop must be on.
guitar ---> gt6 input
gt6 external send----> guitar input on 5150
5150 fx loop send---> gt6 external return
gt6 output ---> 5150 fx loop return
write your distortion patches so that they are using an external overdrive and that will send them thru the 5150 distortion before fx etc. Clean tone will go straight to the power amp and bypass the 5150's eq and such. If you like you can put a tubescreamer between the external send and the amp.
Now you can do all of your switching on the GT6 and use (IMO) the 5150's much better distortion.

There are other ways but this works well and doesn't require building/buying special cables or adaptors.

I will investigate- i have dabled with the 4 cable method before! Thanks dude. Also, theres no need for a imo before the 5150s much better distortion :lol:
kev said:
I will investigate- i have dabled with the 4 cable method before! Thanks dude. Also, theres no need for a imo before the 5150s much better distortion :lol:
LOL...yeah but some people get all sensative about this stuff. I hope it works for you. We've been really happy w/ the versatility it's given and of course it eliminates the gregory hines shit.
im kinda confused:Smug: I have a peavey ultra plus 120 head and wanted to add effects to it but i hate jumping on like 3 diffrnet pedals like was stated above. But im kinda confused on this setup here and wonder how and if its possible with my head.

Can i just hit the gt6 to change from amp distortion to clean with chours and delay and it will change my head to clean and all that?? im lost on how this works exactly without using amp footswitch also but im aiming for the same thing im sick of haveing 6 pedals to use i want something that does it all in 1 click:rock:
broken81 said:
im kinda confused:Smug: I have a peavey ultra plus 120 head and wanted to add effects to it but i hate jumping on like 3 diffrnet pedals like was stated above. But im kinda confused on this setup here and wonder how and if its possible with my head.

Can i just hit the gt6 to change from amp distortion to clean with chours and delay and it will change my head to clean and all that?? im lost on how this works exactly without using amp footswitch also but im aiming for the same thing im sick of haveing 6 pedals to use i want something that does it all in 1 click:rock:
The method I describe uses your amp's distortion for distortion stuff and bypasses the amp's preamp section for clean stuff. I actually prefer this as I think the 5150 (or 5150 II) clean section is mediocre at best.
So yes, you hit one button and it switches distortion w/ effects or clean w/ fx or whatever you program.
You should check out the TC g major if you dont like dancing onstage. It has and external switching output that lets you use a stereo cable into your amps footswitch socket. Only thing it doesnt have is distortion, but yeah... Really useful for me anyway.