using a speaker cable....


Oct 31, 2005
Just curious.....

I know it is not a good deal to use an instrument cable as a speaker cable because they are not meant to handle the wattage. But what about the other way around?
Using a speaker cable as an Instrument cable??:loco:
The reason why it is a bad idea to use an instrument cable as a speaker cable is that you are using the shield as a conductor-- So you have totally differrent conductance/capictance/resitance on the + and negative side.

You can use a speaker cable as an instrument but b/c it's 2 conductor w/ no shield it will likely be quite noisey.
Speaker cables are not shielded and it will hum like shit if you use them as an instrument cable! After a TS or with actives it will make less noise though!
xmarcelx said:
I heard radio stations with shielded cables too!

Depends on the Amp and the Guitar (Pickups/Electronix) as well.

I once made a cool 20min random-radiostation-athmo-stuff outro of that. Just put the guit in the stand, pushing the gain to max and then hitting the rec button.

Lots of noise, not the best transmission.

And if you plug into a Cube 30 the radio stations from Mexico sound crazy through the recto-ish model.

When I bought my amp I wanted to make a cable of my own, so went down to the local audio shop and told them what I wanted to do. They handed me an XLR cable, and said to solder on a jack, using the 2 inner cables (ie, no ground). Is that an ok way to do it?
Nebulous said:
When I bought my amp I wanted to make a cable of my own, so went down to the local audio shop and told them what I wanted to do. They handed me an XLR cable, and said to solder on a jack, using the 2 inner cables (ie, no ground). Is that an ok way to do it?

Yea, you can just solder the two inner cables together to the tip and the shield to the ring of the jack. That way you have just a unballanced cable with a inner cable twice as thick.

But you can buy just cable (without xlr's) - that might be cheaper?

So there's no problem if the shield is used to in a jack to go from the cab to the head? I've heard that the impedance is bit different, and that there's a possiblity of damaging the amp (prolly just blow a fuse or something)?
Nebulous said:
So there's no problem if the shield is used to in a jack to go from the cab to the head? I've heard that the impedance is bit different, and that there's a possiblity of damaging the amp (prolly just blow a fuse or something)?

Oh, nono, don't use a shielded instrument cable for connecting head-cab.

Well, you will loose power cause the small wiring can't handle the wattage, like someone already told us above. But i don't think that a regular shield will cause damage, cause the shield in a instrument cable is just regular cooper.

But don't use 75Ohm Coax cables or stuff like that!!
So perfferably the right stuff is the thick gold and silver sort of cable that you would find used in car audio setups and good quality home surround sound? Sorry about all the questions, ive been wandering this for a while, I just havent had the time to ask, or forgot when I did get the time.
You can use andy kind of speaker cable to solder your speaker cables (for conecting head-cab).

Be shure it is thick enough. 2,5mm² is cool, 4mm² is even cooler. Most regular speaker cable in the music shop is only about 1,5mm².

So - if you can get silver/gold quality cables... why not?

I have used (still use) regular hi-fi cable (2,5,mm²) to connect the head with the cabs over a long distance. (controlroom-recroom).

There is not a sound or quality loss, if the cables are very long you have to push the master-volume a little more cause you loose volume. But i realized that this is not that bad, gives you the ability to push the tubes a little harder without blowing the cab/distorting the mic-diaphragm.



P.S when you solder your own cables PLEASE be shure that there is NO connection (soldering mistake) between the two wires. You will destroy your amp...
Cool. Cheers for the tips man. I think I might do a bit of resoldering when I have time, I think ive got some speaker cable lying round that could be long enough. I just assumed that the dude at the shop would have told me ithe right way to do things, or, the best way. Glad I asked people who have a clue.