Using an AB switcher for the same amp?

Jan 25, 2008
Los Angeles, CA
I am considering purchasing an AB switcher for my 5150 for live gigs. I want to have channel A run directly into my pedal rig then into the front end of the 5150 for distorted sounds, and channel B run through my POD into the FX return of the 5150 for clean sounds. Would this work or would it blow up my amp?
I've plugged a noise gate plenty of times into the FX return of my fiddy and still was able to play through the preamp. Is that something different?

probably yes because you sent the preamp signal out of the send into the gate and back into the return (i assume...). if you just plug sth into the fx return the preamp signal does not make it to the power amp


you could use a splitter and send the guitar to both the pod and the 5150 and use sth like a/b y switcher to choose which preamp is sent to the power amp.
correct me if i'm wrong tho, its late ;)
Just tested out having one guitar plugged into the FX return and another guitar plug into the preamp. The guitar plugged into the preamp gets almost no volume even if I unplug the guitar plugged that's plugged into the return, leaving just a cable plugged into the FX return that is connected to nothing on the other end.

It seems my evil plan is spoiled.
No I haven't because my footswitch is broken but I'm gonna borrow one from a friend tomorrow and do some more experimenting. I would definitely pick one up if I could figure out a solution for this.

I have heard of the 4 cable method but I have the POD HD300 which doesn't have an effects loop, and from what I have read that means it can't do the 4 cable method.

Unfortunately I'll probably end up sticking with my current setup even though it really annoys the gear snob in me. For my distorted tones since I have to switch between many clean patches also, I use only the Soldano preamp emulation with poweramp and cab disabled into the FX return of my 5150. It sounds surprisingly good and I have even gotten comments about how good my 5150 sounded by people who didn't know I wasn't technically using it. It just bugs me anyway:Shedevil:
you could place the A/B pedal on the fx loop perhaps? so if you are playing through the amps pre it will still go out through the fx return and back again. might work.
yes, you need the footswitch. just use a signal splitter, and switch the fx loop on/off for clean vs distorted settings. you can also set your green channel into crunch mode and use that one as a rhythm/lead channel - effectively makes the 5150 a 3 channel amp with great cleans. works like a charm, i've gigged with that setup some time ago....