Amp/effects/loop box question...


Nov 8, 2005
NJ, U.S.A.
Hi guys,

I am in need of a multi-purpose amp/effects switcher.

I play a Mesa F-100 and boost the gain channel with a tubescreamer. I play on the clean channel as well, but would like to have it unaffected by the tubescreamer, maybe just adding delay here and there.

Basically, I want a switcher/loop box (for the life of me I cannot remember the name of the company that specializes in these), and then a midi bank controller thingie. I need something that can say, switch from the gain channel with a tubescreamer, then switch to the clean channel w/ no tubescreamer (plus any affects I put into the multiple loops of the swithcing box) with the touch of one switch.

I hope you guys know what I am talking about?

Is this possible?

I basically want to be able to have multiple loops going, to be able to switch channels, and have different effects per channel that can be programmed into their own respective "patches" if you will.


Hey, thanks for the link. That is similar to what I am looking for, but just a trimmed down version.

My main concern is to find something that can switch amp channels as well w/ chosen effects placed on certain channels/banks.
