Using compressors or limiters for long sustain of chords!


Mar 25, 2011
Hi all, I'm having a bit of bother getting my open chords to sustain for any great length of time but I've heard people using compressors and limiters to do this. I've had a go with the stock compressor in Cubase 5 but it makes little or no difference so I'm assuming I'm doing it wrong. I'm no engineer, just a player. I have enough problems getting a good tone out of amp sims, even with following all the great advice on here (seriously, I don't know how you guys do it!) so I don't want to increase my gain or anything on the tone because it just sounds like a bowl of rice krispies if I do, I just want to draw it out a bit longer (well a lot longer)

Can anyone give me any tips or settings, or even a decent explanation of how this works. I'd be really grateful.

im using a schecter 7string with EMG81 in the bridge > leem NDR-40 DI box > M-audio firewire solo > Cubase 5 > soloc > 8505 > s-preshigh IR

The usual HPF at 80hz LPF at 12khz, small wide dip at 500hz, slight boost at 8khz and about 4 notch cuts (-12db) on a separate EQ where I find any 'whistling'.

As far as my experience goes, amp-sims really don't do sustain very well compared to a good amp. My similarly equipped Schecter has no trouble sustaining into oblivion through any amp with a moderate amount of gain, but falls off within a few seconds when playing through an amp-sim. Food for thought.
It's quite hard for me to crank my 5150 in my flat and not cause an earthquake, that's why I use the sims. I do quite fancy getting a THD Hotplate when I can afford it but was just wondering if there were any tips on the subject.

Thanks for the reply though!