Choice in limiters


Humanoid typhoon
Sep 7, 2010
Tulsa, Oklahoma.
I know for a fact that no limiter is going to do it all. I'm really after a lightweight limiter for mixing or a heavy hitter with great metering at the end of my master chain.

What and how are you using for limiting purposes these days? Not looking for a swiss army knife, but a tailor-made suggestion and your personal insight. After all I'm in the market for a few new toys.
i normally find the waves 316 really usefull. just use a mastering preset and start tweaking frim there
Really man?? It sucks donkey balls.

Izotope 5 is really good especially the IRC III algo. Its the best limiter i've tested so far.

i havent tried this one actually.. in the studio we use the 316 all the time. for all kind purposes, i record also many schools who just bring students singins for the prome etc, we just use the 316 on the master along with the vocs and the playback and it glues it really good.

the only good settingi found there is the preset mastering enhance 2 though, you have to be carefull not to push it too much though. but it tights the bass as hell.

i find the multiband limiter better for this purpose then a wideband one
Mastering limiter (or on the mix buss.. however) - Izotope 5 Maximizer

Lightweight limiter - W1, L1, or TLs Maximizer (2 of those are free mind you)