Using different pres on mics when multi-micing a guitar cab?


Jun 13, 2007
Just wondering if it's commonly done or if people tend to try and stick to matched pre's for the different mics when multi-micing their guitars cabs?

Like do people use their 57 with an Api and on the same take use something else with their md421 or whatever mic they're using?

I'm going buying new pres (a Focusrite ISA and a GAP pre73)in the next few months and usually dual mic my guitars but won't be able to use a matched pair on my guitars unless I buy another one of either. Something I hadn't thought of before since I normally either use both the pres on my interface or both the pres on my console with EQ on the way in.

I can't see a problem with it but it's not something I've really seen discussed before so thought I'd see what peoples ideas are on it.
You might find that one pre suits one particular mic / position better, but on the whole, I'd say its not an issue.

Each mic is gunna sound different, so using a different Pre amp is of no real consequence.

It might pay you to swap mics and pres to get the best results, but I see no problem with your intended setup..
Sure have done... Ps dont buy an ISA mine was always overheating and channels cutting out, not to mention it sounded monumentally average.