using more than 2 Mic's on overheads


Used by Protools
Dec 26, 2005
Detroit, MI
OK if i was to cut all the low end from overheads like to 700hz or higher would phase still be a big issue if i was using 3 Mic's on overheads?

Also when placing more than 2 overheads is there like a certain distance all should be from each other like each 3 ft apart then the 2 furthest like 6 feet apart?

I guess I'm a little lost on using more than 2 overheads and would love to be able too use more when these guys got a bunch of cymbols....
yea thats what i have been doing but i see all these pics and everyone seems to mic cymbols and im a bit lost on phasing and doing this:Smug:
yea but I'm trying to cut the corner of starting from nothing and get an idea of how things should be placed so i can save myself time when tracking. I know there has to be some sort of general rule of thumb to how to place more than 2 overheads.....

Well until then it's 2 overheads for me:kickass:
I use a mono overhead, and close (5 feet) stereo room mics (with a distant room as well). If Alex WhaanHalen is happy with everything other than his sawblade that he hits 5 times on the whole CD, then I overdub it.
Andy Sneap said:
I have at least 4 Oh's usually, micing cymbals in pairs. For metal stuff I find you have to if you want to get everything out in the mix...

...and KM84's or SM81's on ohs. Ride I'll mic from underneath, I'll alway close mic the china, and the cymbals I'll try and mic in pairs, trying to avoid hi hats. I will mic hats obviously...

Room mic, I'll always put a stereo mic (rodes NT4) about 6 foot in front of kit, can be nice in slower sections, also helps cymbals.