Världsalltets Fanfar mp3 at Napalm Records

i'm not sure of which period this song belongs, i need more listenings.
it sounds weird to hear this now, i mean, it's really different from solens and what we should expect from andreas now, but i'm liking it very much!
now i'm going to consume the mp3!!!!! :)
adios :lol:
see how the forum reanimates!!!
a lot of people online. it didn't happen since eons :lol:
Sound pretty good, kinda "raw" production when compared to the last three albums. Can't wait to hear the entire album!

Thanks for posting this, Erik.
Sound pretty good, kinda "raw" production when compared to the last three albums. Can't wait to hear the entire album!

Thanks for posting this, Erik.

I don't come into work and dick around on the internet for nothing. :Spin:

It's kind of odd that the sample link is just tacked on to the end of the paragraph, though.
THAT'S SO FREAKING AWESOME! MADE MY DAY ,ErikSL i love you :lol: the bass lines in this sample is so beautiful and ..and...fucking animal :D:D:D:D
As far as i can tell in this sample..the music is way more black metal than solens..reminds me a little cosmic genesis but the guitars and especially the bass are more dynamic than cosmic...i can't wait to put my hands in this new cd *-*
Man I've listened to that sample 1000 fucking times now.

Hey everybody, go check out the new Myspace layout and promo pictures and stuff! :) Also, listen to the new sample a bunch of times there, too.


I read a couple times that you are making the new vintersorg myspace design, you offer your services to Mr.V or he asked yours? just for curiosity :Spin:
Sigurðr;9681670 said:
I read a couple times that you are making the new vintersorg myspace design, you offer your services to Mr.V or he asked yours? just for curiosity :Spin:

I just offered it. I mean, I actually did it sans approval at first, but now I've got his and the label's approval. :) Unfortunately someone beat me to Facebook and they don't do anything with it despite having lots of fans. In any case, I did it basically just 'cause I love Vintersorg's music and I want to promote it!
@November's Dirge

I just now put it together that your THE Angry Metal Guy. I love that website. Cheers.
I don´t know, what should i think about the new song, like the music (rhythm and melody), but i am a little disappointed with the vocals - it´s a little different, but - I don´t know...
i love the harsh voice. it is pretty....harsh :)
i also like the clean voice, not so eccesively high as i feared...

@november: i've lost the count of the listenings too :kickass:
That sample was nothing but amazing!!!! :kickass: :headbang:

A question though: Is this the final mix/mastering?
Because as someone else already pointed out, it's very raw. Not that there's anything wrong in being raw, it's just that I feel that the drums kind of take over the entire sound - drowning some of the keyboards actually.

I've only listened to it twice, so maybe it will grow and feel more "at place" later though...