v-amp pro to pod xt pro


Mar 6, 2007
okay so I just put in my order today and got a sweet deal.
I've heard that the pod xt pro has a slight learning curve but then again I've read that the v-amp pro did as well and I had no problem plugging in and dialing in settings.
Are there any tips or tricks or anything that any of you pod users could share or have figured out that might help.
I would imagine it probably wouldn't be a bad idea to upgrade the metal pack since the xt pro doesn't come fully loaded.
I plan on using this mainly for direct recording and jamming at home so I'm not so much worried about running it through any power amps or cabs or anything like that since I haven't been playing live shows for the better part of a couple years now.:zombie:
I used V-amp Pro with a Peavey 100 watts Power amps for live purpose. It sounded great for the low cost. Then I sold it and got a PodXt. It sounds 10 times better.
For studio, the difference is still bigger.
With the V-amp is very easy to get a good sound, just turn the Modern Hi gain model, choose 1 or 15 speaker simulator, adjust some eq and that's it.
I hated the backgrounhd noise of V-amp. Too noisy.
PodXt is much more complex and you will find it more difficult to get good tones in the beginning but with patience you get awesome tones.
Tips: Spend time, buy metal shop, use the screamer stomp to give it more gain. Don't forget to check compressor/gate, tone will improve. I always use Condenser mic.
Thanks a crap ton for the heads up:kickass:
I've heard and read a lot that it takes time to dial in good tones with the podxtpro so I'm looking forward to the challenge for sure. You mentioned using a condensor mic, the mics I've seen listed in the podxtpro are dynamics if I'm not mistaken, are you running your pod through a cab and mic?
If I'm able to sell my 1/2 stack in time before I leave for Australia (I'm from the US) I plan on upgrading the metal pack.

I'm finding out the same things you've mentioned about the v-amp. its pretty noisy, even with a noise gate once I start playing I can hear that background noise like you've mentioned, even with the ground lift on. actually I've found (on my unit at least) when I turn the ground lift on I get more noise than without it being on where I had always read the ground lift was meant to do the opposite but then again I don't know if that is standard for the v-amp pro or just my unit.

Something else I was wondering, with the v-amp pro I'm able to change the fuse and plug to use it overseas in Australia, am I able to do the same with the pod xt pro?
I haven't been able to find any information on the line6 site that supports this kind of thing.
Thank you again for your help:rock:
It has 4 mic modeling,

Shure SM-57 On Axis
Shure SM-57 Off Axis
Sennheiser MD-421
Neumann U-67 (Condenser, Which I like the most)

I don't know anything about the fuse or power input. Mine is the european version so I had no problem.
Be sure to try it out with disabling the POD's built-in cab simulator and running the signal through third-party cab impulses. GuitarHack's Mesa impulses, for example, are awesome.

I've got those bad boys and they DO rock
I run a barebones version of mkII with those and they are truly amazing so I can't wait to hear how awesome they sound with the podxtpro.
this is too good to be true...
not only did I pick up a brand new podxtpro for 500 bucks but get this...
it comes with a brand new SKB rack case for 25 bucks

I might have to wash my hands after handling these sweet items because it seems to have sticky fingerprints all over them from the sounds of it