V.E. review from "Brave Words Mag."

wow, this is a horrible review...he makes it sound like the last album was electronic and he can't even spell Jonas' last name correctcly...I would give martin a 4/10 for this review
insidethefall said:
wow, this is a horrible review...he makes it sound like the last album was electronic and he can't even spell Jonas' last name correctcly...I would give martin a 4/10 for this review

I doubt he has even heard it, he didn't even mention a song title, nor did he get it right about the absence of electronic flourishes, almost every song has some sort of background keyboard thing happening, don't despair guys it is a great album, it's just a little of a departure from what you have come to expect!!
i still trying to get into Viva Emptiness... though it gets better with each listen..., probably their heaviest album ever, but it is sorely lacking the melancholy, despair atmoshpere all so present their last 2 albums...