V30 + SM57 sweet spot


Feb 8, 2006
Grenoble, FRANCE
I've read a lots of things about how to mic a V30 speaker with a 57 correctly, it seems the sweet spot is somewhere around the edge of the dustcap.
After tons of tests etc I came to the conclusion that it's to each is own, some people seem to aim the 57 at the dead center of the cone, some like to have it a bit on further, near the edge of the dustcap to avoid too much fizz.
Where do you guys mic your V30s with the 57 and why ?

Here is a scheme I did this position seems to work the best for me at this time :
So the the mic position in the first post, the edge of the SM57's capsule pretty much lines up perfectly with the edge of the dustcap? Argh, need to experiment more.

It depends from the speaker, from the amp, from the playing and from the genre. Sometimes I mic like this and sometimes I aim the mic to the junction (little more to the left of the picture)
I usually slam the mic up like in the original post.. if it doesnt sound good, i just try out different angles and placements around that area.
Generally I'll have a 57 near where you have it in the picture. But there are other factors, especially the speaker. All four of the speakers on my mesa cab sound different so the amount I color the sound by moving off axis depends on the speaker (which of course is already dependent on the player, pickup, etc etc).
I aim the 57 about a 1/4 to a 1/2 inch outside of the dustcap. Inside of the dustcap circle gets too fizzy for me, and further out to the edge of the speaker cone the tone doesn't have enough cut.
I know this is ridiculously geeky, but do any of you regulate the temp of the room your cab is in for recording?? (obv not having AC running right next to mic)
So I tried the mic position that Sly mentioned in the first post and am getting way better results than I did in the past. Worrrrd!


that is my go to mic position 99.9% of the time, I usually pull the mic about 3 inches away from the grill though.

Fredman-style with one mic :)

Take two sm57 with 45° between them pointing at the v30, or jut take one sm57 and point it with 22,5° to the speaker...

But I prefer the 2-57-way. Because I have more options in the mix later