VADER - 'The Beast' First US Hit album fro VADER?


Mar 18, 2004
The Beast (the latest from VADER)) sounds like it could break them to a wide audience in the United States. While VADER have been popular for many years in Europe, the unfavorable demographics* on that contnent mean that a metal band's survival requires them to make in North America.

The new CD's songs are as heavy and the playing is as intense as ever. But the pacing of the songs is more measured and thought-out than they ahve been on prior CD's. There are more rhythmic and melodic progressions, and fewer repetitive speed-thrashings. Vocally, VADER has moved beyond the grunt-and growl sound that characterizes most (really-slow-selling) metal albums. So, the vocal tracks are as good as the instrumental tracks here, and the overall impression is a quantum leap in product quality.

As a consequence of the improved musical approach, The Beast might actually get picked up by a major U.S. distributor, and could get some airplay on radio and TV. That means it will be available in music retailing outlets like Best Buy, Target and others. WIth the demise of independent music stores, the ability to generate consumer demand to pull a large number of units of product through distribution channels has become more important. So the old haphazard approach of "... put it out and some headbanger whose wrecked enough brain cells will buy it..." approach has to be upgraded to meet the new bueinss realities.

Metal Blade is recognizing that their traditional business model is rapidly becoming unprofitable. The networks of independent record stores and small metal boutiques are going out of business in most cities, as metal fans increasingly turn to the internet and on-line sources for most items.

In the past, Vader could be satisfied with CD sales of 5,000--10,000 /year via internet and other on-line channels. But the internet is a steep disounting platform: people look for lowest prices, and that often means 'free'. Since a CD only retails for $15 - 18, the profit margins can quickly fall to zero if the internet is the main method for generating sales.

With VADER The Beast, Metal Blade Records has a winner here I think

* Europe's white male population (the core demographic group for metal, worldwide) is aging and dying out as whites have had too few children to replace themselves. Also, the aggressive media promotion of homosexuality and abortion across Europe have resulted is a rapid decline in live birthrates among white Europeans. Europe's population is increasingly Muslim, and black African. Muslims regard heavy metal as part of the decadent and evil culture of 'the west', so they move to suppress it, and the African blacks have always favored African style jungle rhythms or disco and dance music.
Vader has had a lot of near misses. But maybe the recent accident where they had to get a new drummer was the best thing to have happened to them. How ironic: out of tragedy comes good fortune.

The 2 tracks you can download from the

VADER website sound better than anything else I've heard from them.
I have the promo for this and this record smokes.
Truely the drummer is the standout here. He is not fast by any means, but has a groove and some awesome accents to every song that can only be compared to Lombardo.

Not a big Vader fan, did not know this is a new drummer, but if he is ... they scored big time.

Great record, pick it up.
It's a great record - not as good as Litany, but what the fuck is? I hope Vader really break big, they deserve it.
As for the guy's "demographics" above - I serioulsy hope he's wrong.
Actually I think his comments about demographics are totally inaccurate. The population of Europe hasn't changed drastically and still is capable of supporting a large metal market as we've seen. Recently bands like Children of Bodom and Nightwish have topped the charts in mulitiple European countries. As for Vader, every album has sold more and they earn enough to not need to work like an American band would. Also, the population of Europe is around 750 million versus only a measely 300 million in the US. Besides, the white race is dying out more in America then it is in Europe, so what's the point of that comment anyway?

He mentions the internet hurting profits, which is also not true. Maybe they lose some sales due to downloading, but they gain sales because people can find the CD's they want without driving to every store. Also, while it's true the prices online are less then at a store, that really doesn't cut into the profit margin. The cost to rent a store and operate is high compared to having one warehouse that ships nationally and sells a high volume of product. As for Metal Blade, there CD's still sell for $13 or more new even online, so they are making money. It must also be noted that marketing costs are reduced when you do more sales online then through stores who want posters and other free promo items.

I wish Vader all the success possible and am glad to see they have become quite popular and successful already even if they haven't been on Ozzfest yet.

(Quote)So the old haphazard approach of "... put it out and some headbanger whose wrecked enough brain cells will buy it..." approach has to be upgraded to meet the new bueinss realities.(/Quote)

True enough, that is certainly the approach of Dwell Records and most of the other labels who release all these crappy tribute CD's. Dwell of course is well known for their basement quality releases, they're the Six Feet Under of record labels. BTW, SFU have covered the entire AC/DC Back In Black CD for issuance later this year, sound exciting? Sounds like bullshit to me.

TakinTheMusicBack said:
It's a great record - not as good as Litany, but what the fuck is? I hope Vader really break big, they deserve it.
As for the guy's "demographics" above - I serioulsy hope he's wrong.
Samurai said:
Vader has had a lot of near misses. But maybe the recent accident where they had to get a new drummer was the best thing to have happened to them. How ironic: out of tragedy comes good fortune.

The 2 tracks you can download from the

VADER website sound better than anything else I've heard from them.

It's not a "new" drummer as such. The drummer injured himself, so Vader got Daray to replace him until he's better. I believe Doc (the original drummer) will be back in the band as soon as he's fit again.
The US and Japan have always been the big cash cows for music publishers & licensers (a.k.a. record companies). Europe has been a declining market since the early to mid 1980's, and it is now just a secondary for rock bands (especially metal). A lot of bands come from Europe, but they have their sights set on the USA. Japan is a huge market if you can break in, but that's not easy (since Japan has its own acts, and their tastes run heavily in favor of Jazz, Blues and Country & Western -- I know this because I've been there).

Easetern Europe is generally poor. That's the legacy of 20th century communism. As a consequence, CD and record sales are miniscule (ther are no 'platinum CD's' with sales of 1Million units, in eastern Europe). Concert events are relatively inexpensive (all-day affairs typically cost the equivalent of US$5.00 or less). After adjusting for incomes (which are especially low for younger people), the hours of work needed to earn the money for an all-day metal show is about one full day.

As for VADER, their biggest seling US release to date Blood/Reign Forever World has sold 8,000 copies. VADER CD's typically sell about 2500 - 3000 copies in the first year, and go on to sell about that same number over the next 5 years. I think that The Beast will bring a bout a very big positive change in fortune for the band. If the new album sells well, it would surprise me if the new drummer, Daray, is ditched in favor of Doc, for future releases and tours.


I have no ideas where 'thespectralsorrows' gets his data, but it is wrong. He isclearly not a businessman. But his statements do reveal a personality characterized by surprisingly arrogant ignorance.

Here are some useful data sources. Many more exist, and some of them may be far better. But these are considered reliable enough to serve as the basis for business and foriegn policy decisions:

The CIA has its problems, and the quality of its military and political intelligence has been downgraded. But it still gathers reliable population, resource, and economic activity data. POPULATION, GDP, related data


Summary Data:
Europe Population approx 530M (2003 estimates).
Overall population delta=-0.5%/year; Native born dropping by 1.3% annually, 0.8%+ through immigration.
Europe GDP (2003 estimates) $10Trillion (US 2003 dollars)
Approx $18800/person
Countries include (in order by total GDP)

3 Germany
4 France
5 Italy
6 United Kingdom
21 Sweden
23 Belgium
28 Austria
32 Denmark
33 Turkey
35 Norway
40 Finland
52 Poland
67 Greece
69 Ukraine
70 Portugal
74 Ireland
114 Czech Republic
139 Romania
168 Bulgaria
171 Hungary
582 Slovenia
592 Latvia
597 Lithuania
606 Armenia
624 Albania

North America
USA Population approx 295M (2003 est)
Overall population delta=+1.1%/year. Native born dropping by 0.2% annually, 1.3%+ through immigration.
USA GDP (2003 estimates) $10.5Trillion (US 2003 dollars)
Approx $35600/person

CANADA Population approx 30M (2003 est)
Overall population delta=+1.3%/year. Native born dropping by 1.1% annually, 2.4%+ through immigration.
USA GDP (2003 estimates) $1.0Trillion (US 2003 dollars)
Approx $30300/person

JAPAN Population approx 122M (2003 est)
Overall population delta=-0.4%/year. Native born dropping by 0.4% annually, < 0.1+ through immigration.
USA GDP (2003 estimates) $5.1Trillion (US 2003 dollars)
Approx $42000/person
According to their website, NIGHTWISH's new album, Once, has sold platinum in Germany (200,000 units!). As previously reported, Roadrunner Records will release the new NIGHTWISH album, Once, on October 5th in the U.S., Canada, Australia and New Zealand. This version will feature the bonus track 'White Night Fantasy' - taken from the 'Nemo' single - and the video for 'Wish I Had An Angel' in mpeg format. The artwork will also be slightly different.

Just one country in Europe alone outselling the rich? North American market, nuff said. US may have more money per capita, but that doesn't mean they have more money to actually spend. Besides something not mentioned in these posts is how hard it is to break into North America due to it's large geographic size which increases all your costs.

redaV_htraD said:
The US and Japan have always been the big cash cows for music publishers & licensers (a.k.a. record companies). Europe has been a declining market since the early to mid 1980's, and it is now just a secondary for rock bands (especially metal). A lot of bands come from Europe, but they have their sights set on the USA. Japan is a huge market if you can break in, but that's not easy (since Japan has its own acts, and their tastes run heavily in favor of Jazz, Blues and Country & Western -- I know this because I've been there).

Easetern Europe is generally poor. That's the legacy of 20th century communism. As a consequence, CD and record sales are miniscule (ther are no 'platinum CD's' with sales of 1Million units, in eastern Europe). Concert events are relatively inexpensive (all-day affairs typically cost the equivalent of US$5.00 or less). After adjusting for incomes (which are especially low for younger people), the hours of work needed to earn the money for an all-day metal show is about one full day.

As for VADER, their biggest seling US release to date Blood/Reign Forever World has sold 8,000 copies. VADER CD's typically sell about 2500 - 3000 copies in the first year, and go on to sell about that same number over the next 5 years. I think that The Beast will bring a bout a very big positive change in fortune for the band. If the new album sells well, it would surprise me if the new drummer, Daray, is ditched in favor of Doc, for future releases and tours.

3 Germany
4 France
5 Italy
6 United Kingdom
21 Sweden
23 Belgium
28 Austria
32 Denmark
33 Turkey
35 Norway
40 Finland
52 Poland
67 Greece
69 Ukraine
70 Portugal
74 Ireland
(end Quote)

wow, 4 of the top 6 economies are in Europe, thanks for reinforcing my individual thought patterns.

Good luck to Shadows Fall breaking into Billboards top 40 this week with their new CD The War Within, which is getting major push from Best Buy/Circuit City/MTV and others.
I don't know how well VADER "THE BEAST" will do. They have a 12 year history, and no hits. They are a bit like a real-life Spinal Tap (a running joke among record companies and distributors).

SHADOWS FALL "WAR WITHIN" looks like it's going to kick some serious ass though. Their last CD sold about 100K copies mainly through shows and word-of-mouth.
Somehow I doubt they are a running joke among record companies anymore then 99% of the bands out there are. What makes them more of a joke then The Crown or Running Wild or Joe Stump or Nile or Superjoint Ritual?

Yes, Shadows Fall sold alot of CD's, over 70,000 I believe of their last album. Just like Lacuna Coil you can expect Shadow's Fall to get even bigger with their new CD which just arrived in my mailbox this evening. I thought it was kinda funny that Lacuna Coil are outselling Black Label Society, Dimmu Borgir and Superjoint Ritual combined this summer which is surprising.

I don't know how well VADER "THE BEAST" will do. They have a 12 year history, and no hits. They are a bit like a real-life Spinal Tap (a running joke among record companies and distributors).

SHADOWS FALL "WAR WITHIN" looks like it's going to kick some serious ass though. Their last CD sold about 100K copies mainly through shows and word-of-mouth.
thespectralsorrows said:
I thought it was kinda funny that Lacuna Coil are outselling Black Label Society, Dimmu Borgir and Superjoint Ritual combined this summer which is surprising.

I don't really see that to be suprising. Evanescneaiodfhasdf(my pet name for the group) is popular, so that means the goth rock female fronted bands are getting popular. Plus they've got a hard rock(read:not metal) sound. Also, the singer is an attractive female, instead of a bearded potty mouth or a backwoods redneck that doesn't know when to shut up or a crappy singer that wears crappy corpse paint.