
oh hes amazing, dont get me wrong. i just dont think his song writing skills are up to par with others out there. they get kind of boring and repetative
I think he's the best guitar player in the world (the most skilled, i mean). And i love the album Passion and warfare
oh yeah definitely i think his song writing isnt the best but i think the control and fluidity he shows is unmatched ( and im a big yngwie supporter) others like petrucci and yngwie might be faster and cleaner but they simply are missing something, probably those years with zappa. :)
Firstly....Passion and Warfare is probably the best, most groundbreaking electric rock guitar album ever recorded (along with Van Halen I).

As for matching his mastery of the guitar....technically there are guys that can play faster.....but the true master of the electric guitar is Allan Holdsworth. This guy really has command over his instrument. EVH said he was the only guitarist that made him go "what the fuck did he just play and how the fuck did he play it".

Another guy worth checking out is Ron Thal (aka Bumblefoot). He is a complete freak, writes excellent music and freaks out the likes of John Petrucci and Joe Satriani.....
Rusty Cooley.. yawn. That guy can't carry a melody. Yeah, Vai's a great guitarist and he has pretty good all around technique and songwriting skills but it's not my kind of music. I think the true masters of the instrument are jazz guys like Frank Gambale, Allan Holdsworth, and even Joe Pass if you go back a while. As far as rock/metal goes: Michael Romeo, John Petrucci, Greg Howe, Jason Becker, and Paul Gilbert take the cake for making the most interesting music.
Taliwakker said:
Passion and Warfare is probably the best, most groundbreaking electric rock guitar album ever recorded (along with Van Halen I).
I second that!! :p

And Ill be seeing Vai's masterpiece on G3 tour gig here this summer. Hes skills are very good, but I dont regard him as the best, hes a good shreder, songwritter but there are a couple of songs on many albums that I just skip cuz they are simply boring. There are a couple of guitarists (I mean guitarists, in a guitar overlook and guitar playing quality :p) that composes great, great and diverse songs that I never skip. Theyre Satriani and Van Halen, those two are the greatest imo :)
Scythe-Shred said:
I much rather listen to Yngwie Malmsteens instrumentals butt vai is Great too ftlog is ownage
agree and his custom guitars are kewl too

I find Ibanez guitars very hmm... plastic? :p They do not sound well from the body imo, they do need good amp with alot of distortion or other effects, but sure their look is amazing :yow:
BodomiC said:
I find Ibanez guitars very hmm... plastic? :p They do not sound well from the body imo, they do need good amp with alot of distortion or other effects, but sure their look is amazing :yow:
I got nothing problems with Ibanez guitars. Just listen some arstis, they're useing this stuff just like Vai, Satch, Sonata A., Chris Broderick, etc.
@Bodomic. Ibanez owns your 80's Kramer-ass! :lol:

Rusty Cooley is fast but has no FEELING OR MELODY in his stuff. His latest record is an attest to that=booooring! Sorry Rusty! ;)

Never been impressed with Vai, guess I've missed the train or gotten the wrong CD or something, go figure?!

Alex Skolnick (yes I have no clue how it is spelled) basically did it for me to pick up a guitar and become the full blooming Ibanez poser that I am today! :) Testament really has some beutiful stuff that still tears my eyes!

Malmsteen=repetative scales=yawn, though fast yes!

Holdsworth and Petrucci, which are SONGS to get, no not style wise but the most inspirational of all??

What are the best guitar songs ever made?

Satriani-Ice 9?
Testament-Last days of May (think that is what iti is called)
I don't know of any Testament song called Last Days of May...

Testament has some incredible instrumentals, imo... and their ballads are really good too. Musical Death (a Dirge) will blow your mind if you've never heard it, I bet... Hypnosis is another cool instrumental... Trail of Tears and Return to Serenity are two awesome ballads. They also have two or three strange instrumentals that I like very much, like Confusion Fusion, Hammer of the Gods and Urotsukidoji (I might've spelled that last one wrong, but I think it's right).

Jow Satriani is in my opinion, the most skilled and versatile guitarist on the face of the planet, that I've heard so far. The album Crystal Planet is the only full album I've heard, and it's fucking crazy. It made me redefine how I look at guitar and even music itself.
i would like to revise my statement from the other day by saying that in fact i am the greatest guitarist....ever.

no one can out play curt cobain. he is a master of music. :loco:

beer gives you strange urges to piss people off.
vai is a fucking musical genious and period :p

he may not be the best player, technically, but he's the one with the best, most variate and most layer-filled compositions today.
And his time with zappa makes him kick the rest of the butts in the world

so that's about it :p
Vai's cool...but he gets ridiculously boring sometimes with his shred stuff. I liked his stuff with DLR and Whitesnake a hell of a lot better than his solo stuff......good player though...can anyone say bill and ted?