Valentine's Day


Manly Man!
Apr 15, 2007
Cooperstown and Oswego, NY
In case anyone doesn't have a special someone this year, I went ahead and made a Valentine just for you!

Print this out and wear it on Valentine's Day.


Or use this template to make your own and post them in this thread!


May the crying and self mutilation begin :p
Valentine's day forces couples to spend vast quantities of money on each other out of sheer etiquette, leading to resentment if a gift is rejected. Also leads to feelings of rejection for those unlucky enough to be simple. More people commit suicide and break up on Valentine's day and the the following few days than any other time of year.
No one is forcing you to do shit. Give her a teddy bear and tell her you love her is more than enough. If not find a new girlfriend who is not a materialistic bitch.
my point is that if you love someone, you could do that any time, and should. V-day forces people into it.
Valentine's Day is a load of shit.
I don't think my boyfriend's even around that day, thank god.

I will, however, be celebrating Cheap-as-hell-chocolate Day on the 15th by being a fucking fattie. ;D
:lol: well how the hell did you fuck yourself given you were handcuffed. I smell a contortionist. (God I just realised it's actually a really bad visual)
:lol: well how the hell did you fuck yourself given you were handcuffed. I smell a contortionist. (God I just realised it's actually a really bad visual)

I'm pretty flexible for a fat dude. Also, I really dig public displays of affection, so yeah

I'm obviously joking if none of you have figured it out already