Valuatir - Black Metal w/ a fuckton of wind instruments. (German Bagpipes, Scottish Bagpipes, flutes, whistles, tins, blades clanking against collar bones of the fallen.) These lads are adamant about not being called folk-metal. So don't expect to see them doing a hurdy gurdy duet with the cum drenched slattern from Eluveitie. Formerly known as Inis Gwenva before their former guitarist offed himself, this french outfit plays with the ferocity of a band who puts in a 40 hour work week. The lyrics all of which are in french and touch on Celtic themes. (No false praise given to Odin)
Fans of Aes Dana pay observance!
First half of full-length
1. Chasse-Gallery (Instrumental)
2. Le Prix des Têtes
3. Le Fils de la Peste
4. Môn (Instrumental)
Shill from the band themselves:
Coming from Poitiers west of France- VALUATIR proposes a performance of Protohistory based on what Archaeology brought us. Rites, epidemies, exiles and wanderings are told through Raw Black Metal allied to bagpipes with funeral accents. After various demos under the band name INIS GWENVA, 2008 sees the release of their debut album on Japanese label Armageddon Records
Fans of Aes Dana pay observance!

First half of full-length
1. Chasse-Gallery (Instrumental)
2. Le Prix des Têtes
3. Le Fils de la Peste
4. Môn (Instrumental)
Shill from the band themselves:
Coming from Poitiers west of France- VALUATIR proposes a performance of Protohistory based on what Archaeology brought us. Rites, epidemies, exiles and wanderings are told through Raw Black Metal allied to bagpipes with funeral accents. After various demos under the band name INIS GWENVA, 2008 sees the release of their debut album on Japanese label Armageddon Records