Valveking Head Tubes


Mar 23, 2010
Should I re-tube my valveking for a more "desireable" tone?

Any suggestions?
This is my first tube amp, and I'm pretty unfamiliar with them, but it seems that I get tons of noise and squeal feedback....not the good kind.

Maybe one of them isn't seated right, I did drop it once, but they're supposed to be built like a tank. (wasn't on when dropped, and only couple feet)

Thanks for the reply, but could you you really got me wondering!


Basically one of the tubes is feeding physical vibrations back into the signal of your amp, causing feedback.

It's not something I've had to do before but as far as I'm aware this is how you detect a microphonic tube:

Power up your amp and tap your preamp tubes with the eraser end of a pencil. You'll find that you get a little sound coming through the amp when you tap them, one will be much louder than the rest and may make a ringing sound. This tube is defective and needs to be replaced.
Yeah, I've had this problem before. Sounds like a high-pitched ringing/feedback at high gain/volume? Power tubes usually cause more of a white noise/crackling sound if they are going bad.
Cool...Thanks guys....I've been doing some reading..(and learning..haha, like I said new to tubes)

And, seems lot of guys are getting good results with tube swaps..BUT, this one thread was talking about different types in the preamp section:
V1 Tungsol 12ax7 High gain, V2 JJ ECC83 12ax7, V3 Sovtec 12ax7 LPS High Gain

Here is the thread:

Also, some docs mention that certain tubes are (mainly) responsible for different channels of the amp even though they do "talk" to each other....don't know if this is true, but maybe...

Now what about Power tubes...? any suggestions (these were the ones that needed biasing right?)

Sorry for any incorrect terminology, but all new to me.....THANKS!

here is another useful link for valveking owners....(don't think it applies to the head version thought)
I'm very green when it comes to fiddling with tube amps but have read some on them. I have thought of replacing the tubes on my VK212 but I have couple of things I'm uncertain of...

As I understand, pre-amp tubes would be piece of cake: get a set of suitable tubes, pop the old ones out, put the new ones in and Bob's your uncle.

But what about the power-amp tubes? There's no bias adjustment on the VK as I understand so is it the same deal as with the pre-amp tubes? Should I know something about the old ones to get the right kind or as long as it's the proper type (6L6GC) it's all good?
@ Eddy: Hmmm......maybe check the link in the comment above for valveking wikispace.....lots of info there....But I'm greener than you

to Guru: Thanks, I'll give it a listen work right now (and obviously working..haha!)
you posted while I was...haha, another question, do they have to be 6L6GC's...or any 6L6 will do?
I'm guessing matched set is best for power section?
What are your thoughts on the:
V1 Tungsol, V2 JJ, V3 Sovtec config.?
You have to use 12ax7 or ECC83 (Same tube just different name based on where the tube is built I believe) and you have to use 6L6's in the power section.

Yes, that much I know.

You can not interchange tubes on this amp, just change brands.

So that means I can get any 6l6 type tubes and just pop them in and that's it?

@ Eddy: Hmmm......maybe check the link in the comment above for valveking wikispace.....lots of info there....But I'm greener than you

Yeah, I've read through that wiki but that was a while ago. Will skim through it again, though. :) you have JJ 12ax7's AND 6L6's....want to know before I listen to your link later...Thanks!
Whats wrong with buying from Eurotubes? I wouldn't use them anyway as I'm in the UK but I've found it a good resource for figuring out what tubes would work well in my amps.
I'm going to start a new thread.....I just opened my head to find some shocking results....(I think)

Thanks for the help guys..

Guru...just listened to the link...ya, thrash for sure. Close to what I'm going for, my style is thrash +old school with new age mixed in.....kinda Kreator meets Throwdown meets iron maiden.

But great mixes, and tones man!