XXX tubes


I Prefer EL-34s. So What?
Feb 21, 2006
So my XXX head is starting to sound like poo. Everyday it seems like its getting worse(hissing, more feedback)... Im pretty sure it's time to swap out all the tubes...

So my question is what would you guys reccomend for tubes?
I have heard some people use different brands for each channels preamp tube and a different brand for the phase inverter, etc... I'm looking to get a really 'clean' sound out of the amp this time.... So give me some suggestions!
I personally love Eurotubes. The guy has great tubes, their hi-gain set is really nice. It only adds 10% gain, but I don't need to turn the gain up nearly as much to get a heavy tone (with a TS9 in front). Less fizzy that way. I got a set for a Dual Rect and it did a great job of fixing the boxy, out of control mud/low-end.

XXX Tube Kits
I personally love Eurotubes. The guy has great tubes, their hi-gain set is really nice. It only adds 10% gain, but I don't need to turn the gain up nearly as much to get a heavy tone (with a TS9 in front). Less fizzy that way. I got a set for a Dual Rect and it did a great job of fixing the boxy, out of control mud/low-end.

XXX Tube Kits

Hmm the Low Gain retube kit actually sounds kinda like what I'm looking for....
Another question.... For the clean channel, Is it better to put a lower rated preamp tube in it? Like a 12at7 for example? And I'm confused on the phase inverter thingy, what signifigance does that tube have?
Another question.... For the clean channel, Is it better to put a lower rated preamp tube in it? Like a 12at7 for example? And I'm confused on the phase inverter thingy, what signifigance does that tube have?

If the XXX is like the JSX about the tube usage per dont have a dedicated clean preamp tube.

V1 All channels V2 and V3 for Crunch and Ultra. V4 Phase Inverter.
#6. What is a phase inverter ( splitter ) and why should I use a balanced one?

A phase inverter or splitter is the tube that keeps your power tubes ( in a push pull A/B type of amp ) running 180 degrees out of phase. This is necessary because in a push pull amp one tube creates the upper half of the sine wave while the other tube creates the lower half. One of the symptoms of an unbalanced phase inverter is that some notes will sustain very well where others will fall off or sound dead. In 99% of all guitar amps the PI tube is the closest preamp tubes to the power tubes and 99% of all A/B style guitar amps use a circuit that splits the phase inverter duties utilizing both triodes in this tube.

I Like EHX pre-amp Tubes. Low Microphonics.
But have heard great things about Tung-Sols..yet too order some.
Power Tubes...JJ/EHX/Svetlana.....there's allot of good stuff out there.
Read up on KT77's - El34 Alternative. People have been raving them like mad.
theire up on
If the XXX is like the JSX about the tube usage per dont have a dedicated clean preamp tube.

V1 All channels V2 and V3 for Crunch and Ultra. V4 Phase Inverter.
#6. What is a phase inverter ( splitter ) and why should I use a balanced one?

A phase inverter or splitter is the tube that keeps your power tubes ( in a push pull A/B type of amp ) running 180 degrees out of phase. This is necessary because in a push pull amp one tube creates the upper half of the sine wave while the other tube creates the lower half. One of the symptoms of an unbalanced phase inverter is that some notes will sustain very well where others will fall off or sound dead. In 99% of all guitar amps the PI tube is the closest preamp tubes to the power tubes and 99% of all A/B style guitar amps use a circuit that splits the phase inverter duties utilizing both triodes in this tube.

I Like EHX pre-amp Tubes. Low Microphonics.
But have heard great things about Tung-Sols..yet too order some.
Power Tubes...JJ/EHX/Svetlana.....there's allot of good stuff out there.
Read up on KT77's - El34 Alternative. People have been raving them like mad.
theire up on

Thanks for this info. I ordered 4 of the JJ KT77's.... I decided to go with JJ pre amp tubes also. Going to run a 12AT7 in V1, and the rest will be 12AX7. Thanks for all the info guys.
ha yeah well when it comes to the XXX low gain is still high gain :rock:

no shit man! It is the gainiest head I've ever dealt with. I can barely use anything above 2 on the crunch channel for metal tracks. that's "2" not 2 o'clock, fucking crazy. (not that I am bitching)

Im thinking of trying a 12at7 in V1 to see if I can open it up more
no shit man! It is the gainiest head I've ever dealt with. I can barely use anything above 2 on the crunch channel for metal tracks. that's "2" not 2 o'clock, fucking crazy. (not that I am bitching)

Im thinking of trying a 12at7 in V1 to see if I can open it up more

Yeah From what I was told it will only decrease the 'umph' by 20%, so we will see how it goes. Hell if it sounds like shit, I can always throw a 12AX7 back in there.
In my searches, I've been able to find local distro's with Sovtek and Electro-Harmonics power tubes. How do these compare to the JJ/Svetlana's for the power section?
Actually, what makes a goot tube good, and a bad tube bad? Noise? Grainy? Bad construction?
I guess it kindof depends on what type of tone your looking for...Big bottom, how the mids are harsh smooth etc etc.
what type EL34/6L6 being the most used.

EHX Tubes are top quality, cant go wrong there
I only had EHX in my JSX before both the pre and power section EL34.
Swapped to JJ for both and....i liked the EHX better. Ill order them again next time. But yeah EL34 had a more marshall mid crunch tone, but JJ 6L6 bigger Bottom and smoother top...
there are so godamn many factors that go into the tone....

Actually, what makes a goot tube good, and a bad tube bad? Noise? Grainy? Bad construction?
Check this out.