Vancouver Canucks Riots/Victory Celebration


Protools Guru
Mar 21, 2006
Kelowna, B.C. Canada
Anyone going to be in Vancouver tomorrow for the madness?

I'm going to do my best to get some video of whatever transpires for sure. This city is absolutely electric right now, but there's also this nervous rage bubbling just below....

I'm going to flip cars MTL '93 style.

I almost died in Vancouver last tour. Didn't get to see much but the Emergency room. Hhaha. Either way it's going to be a bloodbath in both cities.
I got some insane footage that I'll post later. I was right at granville and nelson when they started tear gassing the crowd.

It is lame, but it was also a once in a lifetime experience. Not many people can say they were in a riot....
On the topic of the game... pretty devastated they lost.

Not a fan of the riots at all... why trash your own city? Honestly those people doing the damage aren't the hockey fans, they are the douchebags who were looking for an excuse to cause trouble. Unfortunately it reflects badly on the city as a whole.

Canucks 2012! There's still time before the end of the world!
Haha.. everytime they make the final they end up in riots? Haha this is great.

It's fun because when Ajax becomes national champion they have a celebration downtown, which ALWAYS ends up with 50-100 people being arrested, retarded fucks. But it's also sort of the fault of the local government, this year they thought 50.000 / 60.000 fans would be gathering at max. Eventually there were 115.000, about twice the capacity they could handle.


It's just fun to actually know in advance there will be riots, I will never participate, but I'm just thinking of the stupidity of people who will.
I've got friends in "vak 410" from Ajax, these guy would litterally kill you if you say something bad about ajax.

But for next year I say GO LEAFS GO!!!
On the topic of the game... pretty devastated they lost.

Not a fan of the riots at all... why trash your own city? Honestly those people doing the damage aren't the hockey fans, they are the douchebags who were looking for an excuse to cause trouble. Unfortunately it reflects badly on the city as a whole.

Canucks 2012! There's still time before the end of the world!


Riots seem so stupid, I can't agree with you anymore on the point of trashing your own city...stupid.

I remember a skate video premier here in Brisbane and riot police got called because kids went batshit over how good it was,throwing chairs off the roof and whatnot. WTF!
For the record I've always said that canucks fans are the worst fans in sports period. People are trying to say that "those aren't the real fans", which is a total stupid statement. In reality these are in fact real fans, and these fans are morons.

I have to hand it to the VPD though, they were pretty professional, until people attacked them personally, then they shit stomped them. It was awesome to see some douche bag yelling "class war" (wtF?) and then throwing a bottle at a cop. What he didn't realize was the cop behind him, who then in turn smashed the idiots knee in with a club. Guy started crying it was hilarious.

Anyways, I may or may not post my videos now....Maybe I'll make it a PM me only kind of thing, cause apparently I run the risk of being called into court if they want to charge anyone I filmed....

Not sure what i'll do just yet.
Send the video to someone in Europe to post - problem solved... or a Free Trip to Vancouver for the lucky poster :lol:
I fucken hate Ben Affleck, Bill Belichick, the Tea Party, and everything else Boston.

Sorry, hands down, Boston has the worst fans period. 84 years of the Babe Ruth curse or whatever the hell that was really screwed those people up. They've won two world series since then yet they still don't know how to win. Still bitter. Arizona Cardinals fans who've never won a championship know how to win better than Boston fans. Can't stand em. And shave your beards, faggots.
I fucken hate Ben Affleck, Bill Belichick, the Tea Party, and everything else Boston.

Sorry, hands down, Boston has the worst fans period. 84 years of the Babe Ruth curse or whatever the hell that was really screwed those people up. They've won two world series since then yet they still don't know how to win. Still bitter. Arizona Cardinals fans who've never won a championship know how to win better than Boston fans. Can't stand em. And shave your beards, faggots.

Awesome generalization, bro.