Vancouver shows


Here comes the apple, zed
Oct 13, 2005
Vancouver Island.
Hello. I'm new to this forum, but I have been a fan since BWP. I would kill to see Opeth live, but the only problem is, I live out in a small town called Bowser on Vancouver Island. I have noticed that Opeth 'does' do shows in Vancouver but not very often. I just wanted to know, if there are any fans in the area (or anywhere for that matter) who know if the guys will be playing any (all ages) shows in the near future.

I do know of the upcoming gig on the 14th, but I think you have to be 19 or something to enter. :waah:
Um did you go see the Sounds of the Underground tour? Cause that will probably be the only way Opeth plays an all ages show in Vancouver. They might possibly come back in the future and do an All ages show at the Croatian Culture Center, like Meshuggah and Children of Bodom who played the Commodore in the past and now are playing upcoming shows at the all ages croatian. I hear the Commodore show is sold out so im sure opeth will be back again.
Yeah they are not too picky at the Commodore, I gave my brother my ID so he could go see a few concerts there when he was only 18 and he had no problem getting in.
Temperamental said:
I'm going to the show tomorrow. Just get a fake ID if you're dying to go, or use a friend's ;)

It's not sold out yet so you can still buy tickets.

Hahaha. I actually took that in to consideration, but it looks like I wont be able to make it on time. :waah:

Please tell me how it goes.