Vanisher mix, real amps, real drums, real bass? haha

K Odell

Jan 23, 2006
Greensboro, NC
Trying to get this cd mixed as its finally done. Probably won't post any mixes with vocals here, but yeah. What do you guys think? I haven't checked it in the car yet.

Drums are our new drummer who I am incredibly stoked to have on board. Plus stoked to finally have real drums on al album.

Guitars are Caparison Dellinger with a Seymour Duncan + a Fernandes Dragon Fly Elite with a Dimarzio D-Activator through a 6505 on the red channel with a TS-808. Clean guitars are the Fernandes through a VOX Nighttrain.

Bass is a Jackson with EMGs through a sans amp rbi blended with a Mark Bass head with a rat pedal blended also through a 6505 for the "mega grindz".

Hope you dudes dig it!
-Kyle Tonez.mp3
Freaking perfect mix! In this exact instant you WILL tell us how you processed that awesome snare sound! (Well, if you want to :) )
Sounds huge man! I have to admit, I'm a big fan of you guys. Sure it'll sound even more awesome with vocals!
Really nice mix and great song, but i don't like the snare sound (and imo it could be a little more louder). Anyway, can't wait for the vocals !
God damn! Your mix sounds better coming through the speaker on my iPhone than my mixes sound on my car stereo. Wanna hang out sometime?
Thanks guys for all the kind words.

The snare is a Mullins 14x7 custom that our drummer uses. Its a 50/50 blend between that and a sample with some pretty hard comp going on. I used ssl comp and the glue on it. Plus I think waves trans-x. Either or I am pretty stoked on it. :)

Glad you guys dig it.
I love how this song feels now with real drums and the slight writing changes. Can't wait to hear it with Justin on top!

I think the bass is a bit too big/unglued in the verse sections but sounds great otherwise. Guitars might be a bit overgained?

I'm not liking the snare - it feels too thin/papery, and it + the toms have a really artificial/peaky sounding top end that stands out. The hi-hats sound a little tinny/ratty, and I'm wanting to hear more body/sustain out of the cymbals.
I def see what you mean about the snare. I also agree on the cymbal sustain. Theres something weird about his cymbals as they dont sustaine in a way I am used to. I will probably lower the highend on the snare a bit.
I think a combo of less top-end boosting and less bottom-snare mic will help a lot. Try compressing the cymbals a bit harder and in a less aggressive fashion, or letting less low end through?
Yeah I am gonna give that all a try here in a sec. I wish I had sampled the snare so I could use the 100% raw snare, but I don't feel like gating it like crazy.
Thanks dudes! Yeah i am working on the snare. The music def has some heavier points which makes it hard to find the medium for how the drums should sound. Theres blasts and thrash beat on the album and all of that stuff too.