Vanisher - Reaction (single)

love the bass.. love the kick,, love the snare.. love the guitars... outstanding like always :)

like always? I actually think that this is the most clean quality I have ever heard. Or at least for a while now. I mean, Listening to Asking Alexandria's new album along with Emmure's, and others I would say this is the best quality and the best mixed. It very clean and punchy. Everything sounds very coherent. It feels groovy and has lots of color and sparkle.

Amazing mix and I gotta say, doesn't really sound that much pod like to me. Good job making that shit real my friend!
Oh, and Joey. If your dream is to do more than one genre, then do it. I am a psych major in college, and there are so many cases where people settle. Well don't settle, spread your wings and fly. You will wake up someday, maybe tomorrow or five years down the road realizing how you regrett this or that. In my opinion, you need to spread your talent to reach other genre's. Put some sturgis on everything not just hardcore/posthardcore. Mix the next Dave Matthew's CD. =P
Oh, and Joey. If your dream is to do more than one genre, then do it. I am a psych major in college, and there are so many cases where people settle. Well don't settle, spread your wings and fly. You will wake up someday, maybe tomorrow or five years down the road realizing how you regrett this or that. In my opinion, you need to spread your talent to reach other genre's. Put some sturgis on everything not just hardcore/posthardcore. Mix the next Dave Matthew's CD. =P

+ 1

well fucking said mate...

I totally agree joey this song is really something else... this is what i could a big fuck you to all those people who say joey is a one trick pony or that say he has no real talent...
Joey did do an amazing job on this mix, the tone form every perspective totally slays. Sorry kinda late to the thread, but Kyle has done an AMAZING job on the record, we (Vanisher) will be releasing soon, and all of us a really excited. As a novice home recording enthusiast is couldn't ask for a better mentor in Kyle. <---- Bromance