Vanishing Point and Dungeon ever gigged together?

Spruce Goose

Then Goose me up woman!
Apr 17, 2001
Have they?
That would be a pretty cool show to take to various gigs around the country. A bit of a double billing..... Arguably the 2 biggest acts on the Oz metal scene yeah?

Make it happen ya wankers...... And premiere the show at the Winston Hills Pub, Winston Hills :lol:

Email me the dates guys. Thanks in advance :headbang:
I know they've played on the same show (ie MFTB) but I don't think they've ever played a co-headlining show. Probably because they wanted to avoid the argument over who actually gets to headline the show! haha
What if they split the stage up into 2 (You know, with masking tape like they do in movies and old sitcoms). VP can have their side of the stage, and Dungeon could have their side. Each band is forbidden to cross onto the others side of the stage, and then they simply play their set simultaneously. That way, they can both have the headlining spot.

I can imagine Black Roses Die and Hollow meshed together. Kind of how Linkin Park mixed with Jay Z.

But seriously.. Would that sort of thing work? I would imagine that fans of VP who have never heard Dungeon would go to check out VP, stay to watch Dungeon and walk away pleasantly surprised and vice versa.
Yeah, Dungeon and VP have done a few shows together - 2 Metal Warriors Metalfests (in fact one of them was the only one that ever happened here in Sydney), the first Edguy tour and I believe one other show but maybe Chrispy can remember what that one was?? (Stupid memory)

We'd love to play with VP again, though - it's been literally years since that happened! :)
Yeah.. I actually wasn't talkin about MFTB and those sort of things..
Was just curious about a co-headlining show where its just the 2 of you on the bill with standard set times.

It would be cool. I'd pay more than the average metal club gig ticket price to see that
The Dungeon / Vanishing Point / Edguy gig was the first time I saw any of those bands. :headbang:
I remember seeing them play together at the Hi Fi Bar about 4 years ago. Vanishing Point were headliners but Dungeon played last... so it was almost like co-headlining.
Lord Tim said:
Yeah, Dungeon and VP have done a few shows together - 2 Metal Warriors Metalfests (in fact one of them was the only one that ever happened here in Sydney),

I forgot about that show! It was Dungeon, VP, Dezakrate and Dark Order. Alarum was supposed to play but Matt broke his foot. VP's first Sydney show and I didn't think that much of them at the time. That gig was very nearly canned, actually.
Yeah, it was a shocker... I remember there being a bit of controversy about us being the headliner on the night but the reasoning was that we were a lot more well known at the time in Sydney than VP.

I'll admit I didn't think much of them at the time either but that changed drastically after the shows we did together at the HiFi bar! HA - they were funny shows too... the under 18s show in the day, you could hear a pin drop when we played! HAHA! The night show for the 18+ crowd thankfully went a lot better! :p