VANMAKT studio update

Apr 29, 2008

Swedish Black Metallers VANMAKT have issued an update on their upcoming new album:

"We have finished the guitar tracking, and even though the amp broke down after recording almost half of the tracks, we managed to get hold on another amp and record everything again, and now were finally done! So far it sounds really good, but I guess all bands say so when they are recording a new album. I can't wait until we got the final mix and master from Tore Stjerna and Necromorbus!

Now we will commence the vocal and bass recordings, and after that were done! It would be nice to say that we have some new photos from the studio to post, but since technical stuff don't like us, Björn Lindberg's camera broke down, and even though he will get a new one from the store, it sucks. Don't trust new and shiny technical shit! But at least I hope to have some pics from the vocal and bass recording to post later on!"

More details and announcement on VANMAKT's new album 'Ad Luciferi Regnum' will be posted up soon.

VANMAKT official website
VANMAKT official Myspace