Varnisher mix, real amps, real drums, real bass, real tits? haha

K Odell

Jan 23, 2006
Greensboro, NC
Trying to get this cd mixed as its finally done. Probably won't post any mixes with vocals here, but yeah. What do you guys think? I haven't checked it in the car yet.

Drums are our new drummer who I am incredibly stoked to have on board. Plus stoked to finally have real drums on al album.

Guitars are Caparison Dellinger with a Seymour Duncan + a Fernandes Dragon Fly Elite with a Dimarzio D-Activator through a 6505 on the red channel with a TS-808.

Bass is a Jackson with EMGs through a sans amp rbi blended with a Mark Bass head with a rat pedal blended also through a 6505 for the "mega grindz".

Hope you dudes dig it!
-Kyle Tonez.mp3