Vehemence - By Your Bedside


Jun 29, 2004
Quincy, Ma
Howdy, I was staying over my friends house a few nights ago, and he put on your new cd. I had heard you guys before on your earlier release "God Was Created" and liked it a lot. Your new release was awesome too, so I plan on picking them both up soon, or when I next see them around.

But, when I was listening to 'By Your Bedside', I couldn't help but think that the main riff sounded familiar. Then I realized that it sounded close to Carl Orff's Carmina Burana. I was wondering if the riff was influenced by it or not. It sounds really close to it. If you don't know what Carmina Burana is, it's like.... I dunno, it's been in a ton of different movies and stuff and I'm pretty everyone has heard it atleast once. Anyways, I was just wondering that, sounds awesome though. I look foward to actually getting my hands on some albums because the stuff I've heard thus far rocks.
Yeah, O Fortuna is just that part of the whole piece. The whole piece is Carmina Burana though, I probably should've specified that part..... I think... hahaha. Sorry, I didn't realize someone posted it before, I just heard the new cd a few days ago, then I saw there was a Vehemence board here, so I decided to post after seeing one/some of the members frequents the boards.
Vital Remains have that in the begining of their Dechristianzie cd.

Hell fuck yeah! And what a kick ass track Dechristianize is... Great vocals, Brutal riffs, and some of the best double bassand interlude harmonies ever... :rock: