Vehemence needs to cover "The Final Countdown"

Norther does a badd ass cover of that song, check it out. It is off their first album. It is a very metal song though, even for back then.
Yeah... and have the Norther cover. And the Dispatched cover. And the London Symphony Orchestra cover. The list goes on.
christcrusher said:
They should cover something a bit more original...something more rarely covered...

how about the Transformers theme song from the movie? :D
haha... yeah, ive seen the movie.... its sooooo fucking cheesy.... but than again, its from 1986... haha...
How about EEK THE CAT? That cartoon had a cool metal guitar theme it had double bass too.
How about EEK THE CAT? That cartoon had a cool metal guitar theme it had double bass too.
Eek was fucking awesome, there were so many jokes in it that went way over my head as a kid.

The one I always remember was a Squishy Bears Episode where they find some thermonuclear warhead that is about to go off, and one of them happens to have a "thermonuclear warhead disarming manual." And she reads, "Well, it says here in this this thermonuclear warhead disarming manual, first you cut the green wire, then the red wire." To which the doctor says, "Okay" and then another Squishy Bear says, "Wow, that was quite good reading for someone who is dyslexic!" And the reader responds, "That's lexicdys!" to which the other Squishy Bears, reply, frantically, "CUT THE RED WIRE! THE RED WIRE!" but, too late, and they are all vapourized.
Then the announcer says, "How will the Squishy Bears escape this dilemma? Tune in next week..."
Okay, it was funny at the time.
tattooedsean666 said:
Why be like everyother band?? Don't cover, it is as cheesy as all these hollywood movie remakes.:erk:
There are no plans for a Vehemence cover of "Final Countdown". The only song we are planning on doing is "Master Of Puppets". We used to play it back in the day (pre-Thoughts From Which I Hide era). We will bring that one back hopefully soon.