Vehemence signs to Metal Blade Records


Helping The World To See
Jan 3, 2002
Phoenix, Arizona U.S.A.

Check out the information on Vehemence signing to Metal Blade Records on their website which includes a bio, downloads, tour dates:

A brief description of the band is that they are a Chaotic Melodic Death Metal Band from Phoenix, Arizona. They have a previous album called "The Thoughts From Which I Hide" released in August of 2000. Vehemence are recording at "The Salt Mine Studio" in Mesa, AZ U.S.A. for their 10 song album called GOD WAS CREATED to be released in the Spring time of 2002. Vehemence will be featured in Metal Blade's new compilation/Sampler called UNCORRUPTED STEEL in late February. Metal Blade will release a final press release statement soon on the matter! The song (Fantasy From Pain) is released here/and their website ENJOY THE SICKNESS!

Band Contact:Contact Vehemence

Vehemence Metal Blade Demo August 2001 (Unreleased Song)
(Made For Metal Blade) Preproduction Demo for (God Was Created) Fantasy From Pain is featured on the Uncorrupted Steel Metal Blade Sampler

Download The MP3 HERE!:spin:

It is about time that these damn fuckers get signed. After a good long time of fucking practicing, and working towards getting some decent metal out; Vehemence are finally here to torture all of your fucking ears. With awesome sharpness to their riffs, and a chaotic tone to their thundering drums, and their screeming guitars. One cannot help but want to kill when one hears the likes of songs such as Fantasy From Pain. and yet one cannot stave off the desire to bathe in a fucking bath of one's own blood as the cries of guitars, drums, bass, and keyboards melt together to form a web of sound that captures the fucking ears and takes one's soul out for a stoll in the dark, and dispare. One cannot help but scream along with Mark as he rips one's nails out with high pitched black metal like vocals. And yet one is torn apart by the rich, deep sound of Nathan's growl. One can almost feel the pain as the story is told through She Never Noticed Me.
It is hard to emulate the feelings which are brought out by the rich mixture of melodic death metal, a touch of doom, and some black metal. Makes for a refreshing sound that is always surprising one with a sudden, and chaotic change in pase, and sound. There are not many American bands whom I think are much good at all; but Vehemence show a power, and attractivness to the music they forge. Enchanting one with the softer sounds of the keys, and then jerking one out of the stooper which they have placed one in with a death metal riff that seems like it came out of nowhere. Great fucking shit. On a scale from one to ten, I give these mother fuckers a fucking ten. They really know how to make one feel what it is that they felt at the time the song was writen and that is true fucking talent as not many can say that. And yet they are precise, and technical. Great band! Two fucking thumbs up. Metal Blade are much better for signing Vehemence. :mad:
Yay! :grin:

I just started to get in touch with the materiel of band... i mean, downloading the demo mp3. i hope to hear more stuff from the band soon.

I am a big fan of heavy metal and also white and black metal... the fact is that almost everything that has the word metal looks good to me!

I congratulate the band for the signing to the Metal Blade label, and i am willing to the bright future of the band.

I log on to this server 99% of the time on the B L A Z E BB... but from now on i will try to check this one out more often.
Cool! I am downloading Fantasy From Pain with much enthusiasm as I type.
Congratulations Vehemence signing to Metal Blade.
Lord Ulversson your words are inspiring and my ears are ready to be tortured by their brutal brilliance. :muahaha:
I am still bitter about December 1st at the Jar .. I wont lie .. a little notice woulda been alot better than day of show.
However its about fucking time someone recognises talent from Arizona that isnt puss rock .... ex : Refreshments , Gin Blossoms
Now let the world here Vehemence and never look at Arizona the same.
Hopefully Imperiled Earth will get the same recognition.
Congradulations VEHEMENCE !!!
Hey bros.I'm so fucking happy that you guys got signed.Hopefully we can follow suit after you.

I'll be sending the signing info and a link to your forums in our next mailing list.I remember many shows together and we will play together again.

After reading all you're tracking, I'm very curious to hear it.I know it'll kick ass, You always do.

Later bro
Rich- Bassist Imperiled Earth