Vehemence, your CDs are tooo expensive!

Scourge of Malice said:
I just bought god was created today for 18.99!@!!

it was worth it but damnnn thats a lot of money.

actualy the new one was only 9.99 i think but why is GwC so much???
where the hell did you buy it?! if at a mall, then you obviously got ripped off, heh.

malls are evil when it comes to CDs. the last time i bought a CD at the mall was in '02, and it was only because i had a $20 gift certificate :)

then again, there are 4 indipendent CD stores around home (were 5, one sadly closed a month ago), and never have single CDs over $15. usually $13-14. although HTWTS was $15.
eh, im too impatient to wait for a cd to come in the mail.. when i want a cd i gotta buy it right away! :)

i bought it at tower records anyways. i only know one independent store around ehre and its like 20-30 mins away so i dont bother. :)

but vehemence, i must say, GwC is amazing. Thank you for this great cd!
Scourge of Malice said:
I just bought god was created today for 18.99!@!!

actualy the new one was only 9.99 i think but why is GwC so much???
You need to know where to look.
Some stores price their shit ridiculously high also.

I got my GWC for $10.
I can even find HtWTS for $8 right now.

& I'm sorry to say but why would you Ever pay $19 for a single cd w/ nothing extra on it?

{Shot in the dark here, but chances are you bought that cd at Tower, Best Buy, Circuit City, Hot Topic, or Wherehouse?}
The8thPlague said:
{Shot in the dark here, but chances are you bought that cd at Tower, Best Buy, Circuit City, Hot Topic, or Wherehouse?}
I really doubt Best Buy, Circuit City, or Tower for that price. They have decent prices for CDs, sometimes find a good deal.

Plus, for me, it helps to have a small independent CD store that specializes in heavy metal CDs back home :D
The8thPlague said:
Yeap, we're full of 'em here in Az.

damnit, lucky!!!

the only store here in San Diego that i know of that sells cds that are actually good is a small record store thats run by a family friend... the problem? they mostly only carry punk... eh.... they do though have bands play instore and I saw a really kick ass show by The Locusts there, even though thats not exactly my cup of tequila....
they used to have metal, but they got rid of it... :(
bought gwc in UK, but i cant find htwts anywhere here in southafrica :erk:
hope to see vehemence here one day
really cool video(by your bedside) btw.
Helping the world to see and GWC are well worth way more than 20$... You can usually find albums online for no more than 13$
Your from South Africa? wow, what metal stores do they have down there?
Maybe Metal Blade can send some your way, you might have to order it offline. Thanks Gyorn, your name sounds like our guitarists name, Bjorn. Thanks for buying GWC, we need to do a hellping the world to see africa tour sometime, haha, I know the Haunted played a show down there. You should send a picture of you holding our cd, and in the background ill see an african safari. Thanks again. Spread the word! down there I know we will need it!!!
HackedToPieces said:
damnit, lucky!!!

the only store here in San Diego that i know of that sells cds that are actually good is a small record store thats run by a family friend... the problem? they mostly only carry punk... eh.... they do though have bands play instore and I saw a really kick ass show by The Locusts there, even though thats not exactly my cup of tequila....
they used to have metal, but they got rid of it... :(
Isn't Blue Meanie in El Cajon still around? That was a great metal record store.