Velnias - Sovereign Nocturnal


Active Member
Dec 14, 2006
Buffalo, New York
I saw that a new album came out by these guys and I gotta say I really enjoy it. This is really quality BM. It reminds me of Primordial, but seeming to be more Black metal. This is their myspace which has all 3 tracks off their new album on it, , you can also order their new album off God Is Myth records(and it's only 9$--pretty cheap distro if you want to check out other stuff as well).

All in all, really good pick for HC imho :kickass:
The Velnias guys are my buddies and I have to say that they are the next great blackend doom band. A few days ago they played a great set opening for Wolves in the Throne Room. I can't wait to see them at HC.
Yeah this is a good album. I would highly recommend this. Pick it up at their labels both at the fest. They also have killer titles as well.
The band has been relentlessly playing shows and they are extremely dedicated to their craft. The album (their debut -- BTW) has been getting awesome reviews and they are extremely excited to be playing at this years HC III. I really appreciate all of the positive things that have been said about VELNIAS on this particular forum. Be sure to come out early so you guys can catch their performance. Barring any changes they will be playing one of the first slots on Saturday.

Todd / God is Myth
No offense, but the package layout for Velnias is quite lame.

The metal is ace though! :kickass:
The artwork is fine, it's the eco-wallet that is lame. There is nothing to it, it just feels incredibly cheap. Like put together in 5 minutes or something.
The artwork is fine, it's the eco-wallet that is lame. There is nothing to it, it just feels incredibly cheap. Like put together in 5 minutes or something.

Well that was the first eco-wallet that I've done for a release. Perhaps there are more 'sturdier' ones available, who knows. However, as 'lame' as it might be, what I think is lame are those mother fucking cumbersome, non earth friendly plastic jewel cases. More than likely our future releases will be in eco-wallets or digipaks. Not sure why I'm explaining all this...but, there you have it.
Price my friend.... I used to run a lable and it costs a bitch.

John is soooooooooo correct. Its hard to pay for all of the things it takes to run a label (IE: advertisments, webpage, ever changing shipping costs, etc....) so anytime you can get a pretty good deal on cd packaging you take it. Digis are EXSPENSIVE. Oh....and did I mention there are a number of websites out there who feel that it is their right to offer up any number of small record labels / underground bands cd's online as digital downloads.....FOR FREE!!!!!! Even though said label / band has not sanctioned it??? :mad:
I thought it was a bit peculiar when I first received it as well, but after opening it I think the presentation is pretty cool. :kickass: to being unique. My only worry is that it could become damaged easily.

First listened to this album a couple months ago. Blew me away. Just fucking amazing. Looking forward to seeing them live.
Great album indeed. Personally I like the "eco-wallet".. who needs a shitty jewel case anyway?

Regardless, looking forward to hearing them play Saturday! Hopefully everyone will be able to make it out in time. Their performance last month with Wolves in the Throne Room was excellent.
I got there a little late the first day but from what I saw of them they were great. I picked up the album and the very cool home made patch they had for sale.