
New Metal Member
Jun 28, 2007
Hey guys, I'm new here, but since I come from the Vengeance Rising board where I am a moderator, I just wanted to update anyone who might be interested in what is happening with this "old school" 80's thrash outfit.

Some may know that after the first two albums, all of the members left the band except for vocalist Roger Martinez, who went on to record two more albums. After renouncing Christianity, Roger still owns the name to Vengeance Rising and is working on a new album, "POLEMIC", as we speak. This will be Roger's first secular release, and should be very interesting!

Feel free to stop by the forums at for further updates, as Roger is now posting there weekly.

Anyway, I don't intend this to be spam or anything, but just wanted to keep people up to date on what is happing with this, perhaps, long forgotten band. :loco: :headbang:

Yeah there were tons of lineup problems and such, but he does have a full band now that is local to him. He also sent the administrators at Vengeance some demos not long ago, so this looks promising, at least moreso than it has in recent times.
It will be interesting to see what he comes up with, if he can manage an album that is. A polar experience to say the least.