Venom again.

WILKS said:
I have the new Venom album 'Metal Black' (shit tittle i know).Anyway it fukin rocks big time so if your a fan of Venom old and new you are in for a treat.

Thanks for the tip mate, might have to be getting hold of that myself, would be very interested in hearing it aye!

I'll need to get that album asap, I've heard it a cracker. And it's Onslaught who are supporting them Wilks if you're going to the concert later this month. I think I'll be standing at the bar though when Onslaught are on.

Oh and Valanx, when you're buying Venom's new album, treat yourself to the new Diamond Head wan as well, All Will Be Revealed, cos I'm still in a state of shock that you haven't bought it yet, what with you being their 2nd biggest fan!!!!. And you might as well get the new DH tshirt as well, and here's another pic of it just in case you've forgotten what it looks like. How mindblowing is that tshirt - it is just simply jawdroppingly awesome:grin:

princess_of_the_night2112 said:
I'll need to get that album asap, I've heard it a cracker. And it's Onslaught who are supporting them Wilks if you're going to the concert later this month. I think I'll be standing at the bar though when Onslaught are on.

Onslaught are well worth watching Princess ! They ROCK :worship:
Fingers said:
Onslaught are well worth watching Princess ! They ROCK :worship:

Oh right Fingers, that's good to know. I mean I'm terrible cos I'm dismissing them before I've even heard them.

I've heard the name Onslaught but I don't think I've even heard one of their songs but I just got the impression that they were toooooo hardcore for my liking. I could be thinking of a completely differnet band but are Onslaught not the mob who you see at these festivals and at the front of the stage they've always got loads of burning torchy things and impaled pigs heads. And then at the end of the concert, they toss the pigs heads into the crowd, who then start tearing them apart and covering themselves with the blood and gore. Oh dear excuse me while I go and :Puke: :Puke: :Puke: . Have I got it wrong again, whose that band then?
princess_of_the_night2112 said:
Oh right I could be thinking of a completely differnet band but are Onslaught not the mob who you see at these festivals and at the front of the stage they've always got loads of burning torchy things and impaled pigs heads. And then at the end of the concert, they toss the pigs heads into the crowd, who then start tearing them apart and covering themselves with the blood and gore. Oh dear excuse me while I go and :Puke: :Puke: :Puke: . Have I got it wrong again, whose that band then?

Nah Princess, you are thinking of Bucks Fizz!
Paxoman said:
Nah Princess, you are thinking of Bucks Fizz!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

You definitely get the award for the funniest comment so far this week Paxoman, that was brilliant. Maybe that's why Bucks Fizz never won the Eurovision Song Contest - oh no hang on maybe they did win it, my vast musical knowledge doesn't extend to the Eurovision Song Contest!!!!

OMG Tony Iommi totally rocks,I've just stuck on planetrock there and you'll never guess what he's playing:-

DIAMOND HEAD - DAMNATION STREET (fookin helll)!!!!!!!!!

I don't think I've ever heard DH on planetrock, but believe me it's not for want of trying cos I've sent in about 4 emails to the request show asking for DH, Blitzkreig, Saxon or Rush or Girlschool and fair enough I've got my 4 songs played but it was 3 Rush tracks and 1 Saxon one. Time for me to fire off another request I think.
princess_of_the_night2112 said:
I've heard the name Onslaught but I don't think I've even heard one of their songs but I just got the impression that they were toooooo hardcore for my liking. I could be thinking of a completely differnet band but are Onslaught not the mob who you see at these festivals and at the front of the stage they've always got loads of burning torchy things and impaled pigs heads. And then at the end of the concert, they toss the pigs heads into the crowd, who then start tearing them apart and covering themselves with the blood and gore. Oh dear excuse me while I go and :Puke: :Puke: :Puke: . Have I got it wrong again, whose that band then?

I think you might be confusing them with Obituary LMAO :notworthy
LOL maybe there's a few bands that do the old pigs head trick Fingers cos the band I was getting confused with is a band called Mayhem, I couldn't remember what they were called and asked my friend cos she saw them at a festival last year and actually got hit on the face with a flying pigs head. OUCH hehe!!!!!!
princess_of_the_night2112 said:
Maybe that's why Bucks Fizz never won the Eurovision Song Contest - oh no hang on maybe they did win it, my vast musical knowledge doesn't extend to the Eurovision Song Contest!!!!

Yeah they did win the Eurovision Song Contest and went on to have a few hits. But once they brought out the 'Bite your nads off and spit them out' album, and started doing the pig stuff, Top Of The Pops didn't want to know anymore. I believe they are still big in the underground death metal scene in Germany.
princess_of_the_night2112 said:
Wilks - the question you asked me about 2 months ago - is the answer Canadian Assault or Books of Armageddon or something like that!!!!

:lol: :lol: No.Your gonna hate me for this.Cronos is such a fan of Rush that At War With Satan (the song),clocks in at 21:12. I have never been sad enough to time the song.But Cronos isnt known for winding people up now is he?