venom they own us all


Venom, Slayer and Dark Angel ahhhhh the good ole' days:headbang:
Venom was one of the first trully HEAVY bands I discovered about 20 years ago.

The "Black Metal" album is a classic and still packs a wallop much energy contained therein!

I find it hard to listen to Venom. Most people talk about Venom being this really influential band and whatever, but no one really talks about THEIR music. Well there music I find tolerable at best, and personally, I think Bathory was far more influential on black metal in that era. But yes, Venom did coin the term.
Servio_Abbas_Bellum said:
Most people talk about Venom being this really influential band and whatever, but no one really talks about THEIR music.

Their music is what's influential (or was). Granted, it was a poor man's version of Motorhead, but the songs still had this great....vibe, for lack of a better term.
Make no mistake about it: they'll never be compared to bands like Rush, etc., but they still made a deep impact on the metal landscape.
i can see there are a good amount of people whom dig the venom it make me feel proud to cum from the place where metal started may the good lord bless you all:headbang: :headbang: :worship: :worship:
madcheese9377 said:
I'd say that Venom are one of the most underrated bands in the universe, I've been a big fan since I was 15.
me no have internet, me stoopid.
you sound just what we are looking for to run the chelsea west london branch of the venom fanclub me old mucker:headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
When I first heard Welcome To Hell, I just about shot my load!

The image is what helped to create this genre. Black leather, whips, chains, studs, black boots, long hair.....all of that contributes to the "Classic Heavy Metal" image. Go back to pics of these bands in the early '80's. The image sold the music and vice versa. They went hand in hand.

Just doesn't seem the same seeing a band trying to play metal on stage nowadays with baggy pants, braids, hooded sweaters, and baseball caps. A pseudo-metal sound with a Beastie Boy look. Strange!


Live like an angel die like a devil,
Got a place in hell reserved for me,
Live like an angel die like a devil,
Gonna burn in hell that's where I'm gonna be.
I love venom:headbang: :headbang: but a bunch of norwegians misunderstood them and started burning churches:hotjump:. VENom is the god fathers of BW btw Slayer rules
The Winnipeg Warrior said:
When I first heard Welcome To Hell, I just about shot my load!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

That's a great way of describing the effect Venom had on you WW!!!!! They are almost orgasmic I'll give you that, first time I heard them my jaw very nearly hit the floor they blew me away that much They definitely were at the opposite end of the nwobhm spectrum to most of the other bands I loved but I still really liked Venom, they were really raw and basic and powerful, and I still think they're songs sound brill just now.

I read somewhere a few days ago that they are doing an American tour in2006, so that would be interesting if it goes ahead.
I'll tell you what IS orgasmic, Princess! An Iron Maiden, Saxon, and Venom triple bill right here in North America. Bollocks with Ozzfest. The real fans want to see the steak and potatoes. Not get force-fed liver and onions!

When Priest were over here a few months back, there was talk of a triple bill.....adding Dokken along with Anthrax as support. IMO, Priest could have filled a lot more seats and played to a lot more fans that way. Not to say that this past tour wasn't successful by any means. But a lot of fans that would not normally go may have bought a ticket just to see one of these other bands. And it's those peripheral fans that make the difference.

Not many over here have seen Saxon or Venom. And having the expenses aided by Maiden over.....say a 50 date North American tour.....I can really see a triple-pairing like this doing huge box-office. And the "mystique factor" of seeing bands that you've admired from afar but have never had the opportunity to see live would surely sell the tour without any major marketing and promotion.

Much like the recent Priest tour. The original line-up, along with Angel of Retribution, was more than enough to put 6-8 thousand punters in the seats every night. And for any live show nowadays, that is extremely respectable.

Besides, all these guys are mates anyways. They go way back and the friendly competition and rivalry would be fun for them as well.

KMADD said:
I love venom but I think Bathory, Burzum, Emperor, Dark Throne, Mayhem
and Immortal influenced a lot of the Black Metal bands today.

Except for Bathory I consider the rest you mentioned TODAY bands. IMO the pioneers were Venom, Helhammer, Possessed and Bathory. And I think that no one of them thought were they were leading to :p
I disagree because dark throne started around 1991-92 along with
those bands I mentioned before. And to me possesed pretty much
started death metal along with Necrophagia at least for me starting
to listen to death metal.